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I'm sorry. I didn't mean to use cheat engine. I was using it for another offline game
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I tried to join a server ON ARMA 3 with CHEAT ENGINE up ( I was using it for another offline game ) and I got kicked. I didn't know what happened so I tried again thinking it was a glitch. I got the same error so I said to myself " do I have cheat engine up "

It was up so i instantly close it and now im panicking.. Im not exactly rich and I dont want to be banned... am I safe playing arma 3 without the risk of a global ban now or anything else? Seriously games for me are expensive And I cant exactly buy them which is why I dont hack on any important games.
Email : [email protected]
help me please
How to fixed it T T


Legacy ID
No Bug
Have Not Tried

Event Timeline

nipat01 set Category to General.Apr 10 2015, 3:08 AM
nipat01 set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
nipat01 set Severity to None.
nipat01 set Resolution to No Bug.
nipat01 set Legacy ID to 3605955097.May 8 2016, 11:53 AM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Renz.Apr 10 2015, 3:08 AM
SINE added a subscriber: SINE.May 8 2016, 11:53 AM
SINE added a comment.Apr 10 2015, 5:53 AM

Excuse me, you are completely wrong here.
If you want to get unbanned for using a BattlEye blacklisted software, you should google for their support.

This has absolutely nothing to do with this feedback tracker.

Adam added a comment.Apr 10 2015, 10:00 AM


Please contact battleye support on the link that SINE provided. We cannot lift bans.

Thank you