This is quite important. Here is the situation
We have these 2 nice event handlers Take and Put that can notify mission maker when player make changes to his inventory content. Very much needed functionality and thanks for that.
However when player uses Rearm option from action menu, neither of these event handlers fire. Inventory content can change drastically with rearm and it is not possible to detect that it did.
The explanation I got is that because Rearm allows to take multiple items, Take EH is not suitable for it as it has single item format.
This is understandable. So here are 3 options:
- Add Rearm EH that will report all picked up items in an array. Too much? OK.
- Make Rearm EH that only reports the event and weaponholders. Less work for programmer more for mission maker, but better than nothing.
- Make it possible to disable Rearm action somehow. If there is no Rearm action, there is no possibility to mess up Inventory undetected. It could be description.ext option or just a command. Even less work for a programmer.
It really is a poor situation with current implementation.