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Performance issue with copilot and Rotorlib
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The "take controls" copilot feature appears to cause serious performance issues when used with the advanced flight model.

This happens in both SP and MP (tested with local dedicated server).

Version tested:

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_DX11
Exe timestamp: 2014/10/23 09:58:12
Current time: 2014/10/23 19:26:37

Type: Public
Branch: Development
Version: 1.35.127913



Legacy ID
Advanced Flight Model
Steps To Reproduce

Have a mission with an empty MH-9 (also tested with a UH-80)
Ensure Advanced Flight Model is active
Get in as copilot
Take controls
Engine on
Release controls
Take controls

The game now runs at a very low framerate and sometimes the helicopter explodes while still on the ground.
Turning the engine off after these steps seems to have a higher chance of exploding the helicopter.

You can also reproduce it by changing the later steps:

Get in as copilot
Take controls
Engine on
Release controls
Get out
Get in as pilot

Event Timeline

zx64 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Oct 23 2014, 8:34 PM
zx64 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
zx64 set Category to Advanced Flight Model.
zx64 set Reproducibility to Always.
zx64 set Severity to None.
zx64 set Resolution to Duplicate.
zx64 set Legacy ID to 507530621.May 7 2016, 7:40 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: rogerx.Oct 23 2014, 8:34 PM

I was on as pilot, with a co-pilot. Gave him the controls and then later took back the controls. The server had CBA mod loaded, and I also had CBA loaded. I don't think I noticed any problems with frame rate, but he hopped out just after I retook controls.

I Think this might be similar to the issue I am having:

I get the same symptoms. Lag and explosion.

oukej added a comment.Oct 30 2014, 5:51 PM

Thanks for the feedback and notes. Yes, it's the same issue - caused by switching from SFM (AI) to AFM while starting the engine.