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Name conflict on module respawn position.
Assigned, WishlistPublic


When you use the name "Respawn_west" in the name config of the module - not a marker - we have conflicts.

In one of the them the menuposition template generate duplicate values for the same respawn point.

In other the name generates a conflict and some scritp like BTC revive doesnt know where need make proper respawn point.

I think the module dont make a proper definition of the property "name"inside the module class or are using a marker inside the module. {F23734}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Create a mission with respawn base and add menuposition profile.

Add one or two respawn position using the module of the editor and named like respawn_west1 an respawn_west2.

See the double named marker inside menu before start the mission.

Event Timeline

djotacon edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 17 2014, 2:12 PM
djotacon edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
djotacon set Category to Scripting.
djotacon set Reproducibility to Always.
djotacon set Severity to None.
djotacon set Resolution to Open.
djotacon set Legacy ID to 1733342286.May 7 2016, 6:26 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Apr 17 2014, 2:12 PM


thank you for submitting the ticket. Could you please upload a simple repro mission displaying the problem? It would be a big help.

Thank you.

Mission submitted with the issue.

I found the same problem with the function BIS_fnc_taskSetState.

If you create a series of task called task, task1, task2, and so on.. and you use this function BIS_fnc_taskSetState to make:

["task", "CANCELED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetStat

You have canceled all the task with the name "task", "task1", "task2".

I think this a problem with the interal string parser of the game.

I'm gonna make another ticket with the prolem.

This causes major issues if you have respawn positions close to each other - since the respawn positions (respawn module) end up having the same 'auto generated name' from the map position The consequence is that the menu position seems to jump continuously from one point to another making it difficult to choose one position. The 'name' field in the module is being ignored. This is a major bug and needs fixing urgently please. Relates to ticket 0018467.

meat147 added a subscriber: meat147.May 7 2016, 6:26 PM

Any progress on this one here ?

Would be great to have this fixed! But I'm not holding my breathe. Probably get closed 'due to inactivity' in 6 months?!

PiepMGI added a subscriber: PiepMGI.May 7 2016, 6:26 PM

still here v 1.52