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Chatblock disappears after few minutes into the game (since 1.06)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If you play ArmA and go into a multiplayer game, or even if you stay long enough inside the editor itself, the chat will disappear.
You still can write, but you cannot see the message as soon as you hit the enter key. In multiplayer it's more annoying because you cannot see the chatmessages of the players anymore.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. open Editor
  2. place a player
  3. preview
  4. wait until the chat disappears


  1. play a multiplayer game
  2. wait until the chat disappears
Additional Information

This happend since the 1.06 update

Event Timeline

Heisenberg edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Heisenberg set Category to Other.
Heisenberg set Reproducibility to Random.
Heisenberg set Severity to None.
Heisenberg set Resolution to Fixed.
Heisenberg set Legacy ID to 1635143845.May 7 2016, 5:28 PM
SaMatra added a subscriber: SaMatra.May 7 2016, 5:28 PM

Actually I noticed same thing yesterday, called "showChat true" and it appeared again.

Did you notice it in the dev build?

I think so, but I definitely experienced disappearing chat yesterday.

Just happened again, might be related to Alt+Tabbing since I Alt+Tabbed quite often. Also Heisenberg what mission did you play when it happened?

For me it is also happening, if I'm always ingame, without Alt+Tabbing.
It doesn't matter on the mission, if you go into the editor and place yourself, preview and just restart a few times, the same happens.

Good point, I also did several restarts and at some point chat disappeared, maybe it is related to restarts\lobby.

Well, not really, because if I'm inside a multiplayer game and the chat doesn't work but as soon as the mission is over and the map will be changed (so everyone is in the lobby etc) the chat begins to function again.
Also if you're ingame and disconnect and reconnect again, it begins to work again.

fraunos added a subscriber: fraunos.May 7 2016, 5:28 PM

It happens when you use Escape button - check it. It's REALLY annoying. I can't play multiplayer without chat.

I thought it's because i recently refreshed my Windows 8, and just simply moved the ARMA 3 folder from old Program Files to new ones. But i see it's the Arma 3 bug.

known issue, we on it ...

thanks a lot dwarden :)


Your solution "showChat true", just made my day mate. ^^
I have implemented a Show Chat Action for everyone on the dp Wasteland Server as an quick Hotfix, until we get a real Hotfix from BIS.

Thanks again.


Koala added a subscriber: Koala.May 7 2016, 5:28 PM

so wheres the fix?

muf added a comment.Nov 29 2013, 2:15 PM

Thank you for reporting the issue. Should be fixed in current dev (1.07.112953). Could you please confirm that opening and closing Pause Menu via Esc key doesn't permanently hide the chat anymore? Thanks in advance.

I'll call it resolved until proven otherwise. Feedback is still possible.

Mass closing resolved issues not updated since November.