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Wall Object on Road - 25331983 Altis
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Farm type wall object normally found in nearby fields is intersecting road.
Wall should be offset to the north at least a meter.

Edit - Corrected URL


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Open Editor on Altis, place unit @ 2533 1983
Notice wall intersecting road.

Event Timeline

Impulse9 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Impulse9 set Category to Visual-Environment.
Impulse9 set Reproducibility to Always.
Impulse9 set Severity to None.
Impulse9 set Resolution to Fixed.
Impulse9 set Legacy ID to 3414780196.May 7 2016, 4:20 PM

A gps grid ref only uses 6 numbers.

A GPS grid's accuracy is based on the total number of digits used.
I provided an 8 digit grid, thus 10m accuracy.
A 6 digit grid would be 100 meter accuracy.

This was not done to confuse, but to give better detail.
A 10 digit grid would be a 1 meter accuracy.

These are not duplicate tickets.
They are referencing two different wall objects.

This Ticket refers to Grid 253198, with a wall intersecting the road.

The Ticket marked as duplicate refers to Grid 253197, which is a long wall placed on the road.

Sorry, my bad, they looked nearly identical and I thought it was one of those silly duplicated issues.

Could you please covert the images to JPG please? They take a solid minute for me to load.

fix will appear in version 1.02

Mass-closing resolved issues not updated in 10 days.