Currently primary, pistol and throwable items are ready available for reloading and throwing from all 3 types of personal containers: uniform, vest and backpack.
For the purpose of this ticket, let's define two terms "ready storage" and "additional storage": - "Ready storage" are the containers from which primary magazines, pistol magazines and any types of throwable items can be reloaded and thrown from - "Additional storage" are the containers from which primary magazines, pistol magazines and any types of throwable items cannot be easily reloaded and thrown from. Let's also assume that this is controlled by a config variable on the container "isReadyStorage" so that "1" means that the container is treated as "Ready storage" and "0" or undefined means that the container is treated as "Additional storage". This would be defined in config rather than being hardcoded to leave the option for modders to create containers with or without those limitations without regard to the slot they are in. As the situation is currently in the game, all containers would be classified as "Ready storage" by the above definitions. My suggestion that the following changes take place with the above to balance out the increased capacity that the backpack gives and improve gameplay:
- Uniforms and vests currently in game would remain "Ready storage"
- Backpacks currently in game would be defined as "Additional storage"
- Magazines for rifles and pistols could only be reloaded quickly ("R" key or action menu action) if they are in "ready storage" container.
- Any throwable items could only be thrown if they're in the "Ready storage"
#Exceptions (stuff that remains as is):
- "Put" items would still be available from all containers
- Launcher magazines should probably be able to load their ammo from the "Additional storage" as currently their missiles do not fit into the uniform or vest (as expected). It would be a nuisance to have to open the inventory and drag -> drop missiles every time then still incur the animation for rocket launcher reload.
- FAK's would still be available from the action menu from all containers, the animation is already a limiting factor and you cannot spam them
- Player could still reload the weapons with magazines from the backpack if you dragged and dropped the stuff from the "Additional storage" slots to the magazine slot of the respective weapon
- No changes for the AI, they do not need to be limited this way. I believe that AI managing the inventory like this would not be important enough. Especially since inventory management by AI would not be visible or meaningful to the player in any way. Basically effort needed vs gain is not high enough to warrant this for the AI.
- Introduce a Field Manual entry explaining this mechanic to the player. Show it during the official showcases or campaign missions when the player first gains or interact with the backpacks.