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PIP and its use as a mechanic.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


PIP offers Arma III the opportunity to modernized combined arms in a way that no other game allows (Save for dedicated sims). As it stands PIP makes a nice impact in gameplay but it is but the first stages to make this feature truly stand out. It offers more imerssive effects than going into optics mode, however due to the lack of zoom and camera mode functions, it seems more like a gimmick by comparison.

The first thing is thermal tweaking which I cover here the second major step is having the ability to zoom. As it stands, PIP is only useful for close range warfare, which harms the possibilities it could have both in gameplay and modding.

Recon, long range assault and navigation would be the most prevelant for vehicular use. The ability for say the Ifrit & Hunter to double not only as combat but also recon unit, to scan the horizon from afar, or to be at a UAV station without having to actually go into optics mode unless desired.

Likewise it would give aircraft a new method of attack, give pilots the opportunity to see what their CPG is looking at to better coordinate and more.
Finally, on its own PIP should have the option to change camera modes, from DTV, NV and FLIR just as optics can, however if that is not possible then above would be fine enough. {F17524}


Legacy ID
Feature Request
Steps To Reproduce

sit in a station with PIP and witness how you are unable to zoom in and recon/acquire targets as opposed to pressing 0 and zooming in. It kind of makes the PIP more detrimental than useful.

Event Timeline

Nod_Unit edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 8 2013, 8:43 PM
Nod_Unit edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Nod_Unit set Category to Feature Request.
Nod_Unit set Reproducibility to Always.
Nod_Unit set Severity to Tweak.
Nod_Unit set Resolution to Open.
Nod_Unit set Legacy ID to 958041233.May 7 2016, 11:48 AM

This issue was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.

Please keep the issue monitored to see when it is fixed.

Just wanted to say that I was VERY thrilled to see PIP used in the Coman- Blackfoot. For a while I was convinced we'd only see it in ground vehicles so needless to say, I'm ecstatic.

I'd like to make a few requests though, just the position of render point, the plane and thermal color.

Having the PIP image on the right MPD, same as it is on the gunners cockpit.

The second is the camera positioning, right now it is below the gun but it should actually be coming from the nose. That would be where the cameras are. Furthermore with the current working of thermal shaders, when the gun goes hot it washes out the whole screen, making the function useless by that point.

To give you an idea here is an video of a a camera used at 1434 meters on the second zoom level (couldn't say how far that is) The midrange would give the pilot an even better idea as to what the gunner is aiming at but in terms of navigation it can also be used to see obstacles in the distance.

Finally is the color, on display the thermal image is actually green, the recording output is grey. This can be changed easily enough by using 2 instead of 0 as seen here

This is a great step in the right direction guys but it could still use a bit of tweaking.

Working screens in cockpits wold be DAMN AWESOME!!! :)
Please realise it, you know how

In ACE pilot can see by gunners view, here TFT display can make it a lot better

This topic was previously edited but I'd like to add on a new issue, in light of the new PIP in the pilots cockpit of the blackfoot, it appears to be placed incorrectly. The location should be more at the nose, where the sensors actually are.

The other reason is that the camera is far too zoomed out, not only does the screen wash out when the gun goes hot, but compare the distance to the house in the above picture from the pilots perspective versus the gunners.

If PIP is to be used as a navigation and searching tool then it should be pushed out from the body a bit more to replicate some form of zoom, it would allow the crewman, particular the gunner, to see targets from a greater distance but not quite be able to cover as much ground in one sweep.

Just wanted to say thanks a bunch guys for moving the camera point to be more zoomed in. First saw the reticle and was a bit miffed when I flew into town to test the camera again, only to be very happily surprised upon discovering that the house I was looking at in the screen was actually in the distance, yet appeared much closer.

Needless to say this is much better for navigation! Admittedly it would still be very nice if we could have the display in the same screen as the gunner. The MPD screen offers more than x2 as much screen space which allows a wider FOV and is better at spotting details, due to this I find myself piloting from the front seat more often than the rear.

Also giving the pilot the same screen display as the gunner (in other words having the PIP screen inside the exact same display) gives them a 1 to 1 view of what they are looking at.

I also forgot to edit instead of reply because I am in derp mode, and forgot about the edit button.