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Sometimes not able to wear/steal an enemys uniform.
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As the title already says, sometimes it isn't possible to wear/steal an enemys uniform;
I don't really know why this happens, maybe I am doing something wrong but it seems to fix the problem after restarting the game until I kill a second enemy (or restart the mission) then the problem occurs again.

(Framerate is a bit down because of Hyper Cam, without recording there are almost no framedrops on high - very high settings)


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Sebixxx edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 7 2013, 8:24 AM
Sebixxx edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Sebixxx set Category to Inventory.
Sebixxx set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Sebixxx set Severity to Major.
Sebixxx set Resolution to Duplicate.
Sebixxx set Legacy ID to 1169367720.May 7 2016, 11:21 AM

I think this is intended, for obvious gameplay reasons in MP as well as because it goes against Geneva Convention.

Could be, but in the showcase videos Bis presented this as a feature; For stealth missions etc.
Not sure if this is a mission depending feature.

I'm not sure they presented it as stealing enemy uniforms though more as "hey you can change clothes now" I might be wrong though

If you're a BLUFOR/OPFOR soldier you can only take uniforms from one of your own and not from your enemy or civilian. As civilian though, you can wear every piece of cloth.

The reasoning behind this is because it goes against Geneve Convention, and it would cause some problems with the AI.

Duplicate of #0001588.