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DayZ 1.27.159420 exits during game launch when BattlEye is enabled
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Starting on 2025-03-02, DayZ has been failing to launch for me. It was working fine on 2025-03-01. I'm not aware of any changes being made to my computer between those times.

When I launch DayZ using the "Play without mods" option in the launcher, the game starts to load but when the loading progress bar gets to about 30% of the way across, the game abruptly closes. There is no crash reported. There are no MDMP files in my %LOCALAPPDATA%\DayZ folder. I do have an RPT file, an error.log, and a script_*.log file:

Also note that the "BattlEye" tab in the launcher does NOT show any errors. It just says "Starting BattlEye service..." and then "Launching the game..."

If I uncheck the "Enable BattlEye anti-cheat software" setting and click "Play without mods", the game launches successfully and I am able to reach the main menu screen. Of course, this is not a workable solution since most servers require BattlEye in order to connect.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Click "Play without mods" in the DayZ launcher with BattlEye enabled
  2. DayZ starts to load
  3. DayZ abruptly exits without a crash
Additional Information

I have performed the following steps to attempt to fix the issue:

  • I have verified game files in Steam
  • I have run dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and sfc /scannow
  • I have completely uninstalled and reinstalled DayZ

None of these actions helped.

The same problem is happening when I try to launch DayZ Experimental.

Was there a silent BattlEye update that broke the game for me?

Event Timeline

tjensen created this task.Mon, Mar 3, 3:42 PM
tjensen updated the task description. (Show Details)Mon, Mar 3, 3:46 PM
tjensen edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Mon, Mar 3, 4:20 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello tjensen.
Have you tried to uninstall BattlEye and install it again? And have you tried to delete the DayZ documents folder + disabling Steam cloud sync?

@Geez I have disabled Steam cloud sync and I have deleted my Documents\DayZ folder, but the issue persists.

How do I uninstall BattlEye? It does not show up in the list of programs in the Windows Settings "Apps & Features" window. I thought it just comes with DayZ automatically.