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Need help with DayZ server crash (please)
Assigned, NormalPublic


Hello. The server on the Pripyat map. Always worked stably. There have been some crash logs, but there has never been a server crash exe.. At the one moment (about moth ago), server just start crashing when playes 30+.

Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff7013bf7b0 at 0xffffffffffffffff and simmilar. But alwats it 0xffffffffffffffff

I've already disabled more than 50% of the mods and the server keeps crashing. I can disable more mods, but players start losing loot and clothes and weapons etc.. As far as I can read mdmp, there is little information. Please, I will attach a lot of files and logs, please indicate where the problem is, or at least give me a direction where to dig. Please...


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

mdmp, rtp, crash, script, adm

Additional Information

And.. I'm asking you very much. And if possible, tell server hosters how we can at least more or less open mdmp, it contains very important information for server diagnostics. At least partially how to open them. Thank you for any advice and solutions. In general, the lack of any possibility to diagnose the server, and the detection of the crashs is very sad. The server crashes, and does not write why. No script, no class, nothing. Perhaps you will create some kind of mode or debug option...

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Feb 4 2025, 10:51 AM
intenso2891 added a comment.EditedFeb 6 2025, 3:48 PM

More mdmp and logs. @Geez please help me. I'm begging you. Please. I dont know what to do., server still crashes. Please...

@Geez please help. server steel crashes. need help. pls

@Geez please help. please..

should try a net latency tracker and see if there are latency spikes over 250ms anything over 250 seems to freeze or crash the game. are simple hand page just let it run for hour and look at what the max ping latency is..

should try a net latency tracker and see if there are latency spikes over 250ms anything over 250 seems to freeze or crash the game. are simple hand page just let it run for hour and look at what the max ping latency is..

I don't understand what the server crash and the game crash and ping have to do with it. the server cannot crash from ping.

@Geez Please take 5 minutes of your time. I can't find the reason for the crashes.

disabled hardware accelerated GPU scheduling on Windows

should try a net latency tracker and see if there are latency spikes over 250ms anything over 250 seems to freeze or crash the game. are simple hand page just let it run for hour and look at what the max ping latency is..

I don't understand what the server crash and the game crash and ping have to do with it. the server cannot crash from ping.

you sure about that?

on this hosting work 3 servers, and problem only with one.

@Geez pls help, i attach all mdmp, pls tell why server crash...

Geez added a comment.Wed, Feb 19, 11:35 AM

on this hosting work 3 servers, and problem only with one.

@Geez pls help, i attach all mdmp, pls tell why server crash...

Hello intenso2891.
Unfortunately this is dependent on the responsible developer to check. Currently there are internal priorities which come first. We understand this might be frustrating and we apologise for the prolonged time it might take to check this.

on this hosting work 3 servers, and problem only with one.

@Geez pls help, i attach all mdmp, pls tell why server crash...

Hello intenso2891.
Unfortunately this is dependent on the responsible developer to check. Currently there are internal priorities which come first. We understand this might be frustrating and we apologise for the prolonged time it might take to check this.

I understand, but due to the fact that there is no way to diagnose the server, we have no choice but to count on your help. I've been struggling with server crashes for the 2nd month now and I really hope for your help. It's just that no one else but you can help me, I can't open mdmp to the end. Please take 5 minutes of your time. Please

@Geez any news? please help me

@Geez can you help? im not repiar server after 1.26, now crashes in 1.27. Can you answer with my problem, why server is crashes?

Im getting same error. Tried everything. Just crap... worked great and then nothing. 15 min same error. Illegal read

@Geez any help? you release new update with new crashes. pls help resolve...