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Dedicated server crash when trying to access or approach a car on Livonia 1.27 experimental
Reviewed, NormalPublic


While playing on a local dedicated server and client pair, driving around Livonia in an Aga under experimental 1.27, the server would hard crash as I approached the Aga after scouting some surrounding buildings. The chance of crashing appeared anecdotally to increase the further southwest I went. The effect first occurred around the small cluster of buildings (map coords [070 x 039]), where approaching the Aga to put some loot in the trunk caused a hard server crash. Rebooting the server and client and trying to approach the car and simply jump in to drive away succeeded. Shortly afterwards, in Nadbor, I experienced crashes approximately 75% of the time I approached within around 10 meters of the car, let alone trying to access or enter it. Eventually I was able to successfully enter the car and drive it back towards to Northeast, at which point I had around an hour of gameplay without further issues on this front.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Server on Windows 10 64 bit, client on Windows 11 64 bit
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

I'd recommend driving an Aga to Nadbor and trying to place items collected from nearby into the trunk.

Additional Information

The server had BaseBuildPlus 2 and MMG storage mods installed, but I had not found or constructed any MMG items not BBP items other than some cement bags and concrete bags. Handling those items did NOT correlate to any of the issues I have filed bugs for, however I am unaware of whether a potentially problematic item from one of those mods was located nearby in Nadbor or not as my priority was getting away from the crash-prone area with loot intact.

This bug may or may not be related to other tickets I have filed, including T188653, T188873 and T188875

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 31 2025, 11:25 AM

Now that I reflect on this, it is possible the problematic car had a bag of BBP2 concrete in the boot at the time. If this was the case, then it might be yet another manifestation of issues T188875 and T188653

Is it possible that approaching the car triggers a similar loading of BBP2 items from file as initial startup of savefiles detailing those items in sotrage containers? If so, then it is any time the server tries to load that data into memory that a crash occurs.