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Cars sinking into ground on Livonia
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Playing Livonia on a private dedicated server, I faced repeated cases of my car (an Aga) sinking into the ground. I would park, exit the vehicle, and upon returning to the vehicle I could see it sinking slowly into the ground in a manner eerily similar to a sinking ship - complete with the front often sinking faster than the rear to really sell the illusion.

If I was able to jump in and start the vehicle, I could drive it "out of the ground", but if the vehicle had sunk too far to enter I would have to quickly quit my client and shut down the server. Upon restarting the server the vehicle would be stable once more.

"Missing" the sinking car's descent results in the car being culled along with any loot it contains.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

For several hours, driving an Aga around Livonia on a looting run would result in a sinking car approximately 2-thirds of the time I left the vehicle for more than a few seconds. I could see no apparant correlation between any particular type of ground or terrain and whether the effect happens or not. Often I would have to reboot both the client and server to "save" the car and the effect persisted after these client adn server reboots.

Additional Information

The server had BaseBuildPlus 2.0, Codelock and MMG storage mods installed.