After experiencing outage of our normal locally hosted game on Chernarus (ticket T188653), we reasoned that the issue was a save-file incompatability and decided to start a fresh game (thus with fresh save files) on Livonia.
The new server functioned perfectly for numerous sessions over numerous days, with the same mods installed (basebuildplus 2, mmg storage, codelock). There were absolutely no issues encountered in this time.
After a while I wondered why none of the mod-specific items were apparantly spawning. I tested the the mods were functional by constructing a wooden gun wall, which despawned in the following session.
This caused me to realise I had neglected to move the closing <items> tag in items.xml, which presumably meant everything after the first instance of it was being ignored, hence no modded items and no persistence of created modded items.
Fixing this caused modded items to immediately begin showing up around the world, however it was at this point the I began to encounter issue T188874 (runtime server crashes).
Subsequent to all of that, I am now experiencing dedicated server crashes on STARTUP. They appear to be during loading of one of the higher-numbered dynamic__???.bin files (I think around 6 or 7).
The ONLY modded files I have in any storage anywhere are concrete and cement bags.
I suspect that this crash is another instance of issue T188653, and that rather than the problem being "old" save files not being compatible with 1.27 experimental, that instead trying to store any BBP2 items in cars, barrels etc causes dedicated servers to crash on startup.