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Clipping Children on ScrollWidget not properly working
Assigned, NormalPublic


I'm trying to create an admin menu to manage all permissions of the other admins and in this list I want to display checkboxes, but the clip children option seems to act weird here. Most of the times when I scroll, it works fine, but as you can see from the screenshots, the text of the checkboxes is not properly cut off. Sometimes it just sticks over the border, but sometimes it randomly pops up in areas where the whole thing should not even be visible (2nd screenshot) The checkbox itself looks fine, but the text is the problem

The parent layout is a simple ScrollWidget with a WarpSpacerWidget set to change the size based on the children. The children are plain checkboxes with width set to 100% and added via script by creating the layout and setting the warp spacer widget as the parent


Operating System
Windows 11 x64

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jan 24 2025, 12:32 PM

I've created a workaround now, which basically adds an additional TextWidget on top of the checkbox and moved it a few pixels to the right and then I set the text there and this works fine, but since the checkbox can have it's own text, this should not be the fix for it ^^