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Crashes to home
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Unpayable even with 32 ping after only a few minutes at best I'm sent to the Xbox home screen. Especially if I'm in a party. Tried every step listed to get it to not crash. Even took my Xbox apart to clean it. Every other game has no issues.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

If I load any server after a few minutes it crashes. It even crashes when I do training.

Event Timeline

bkuz16 created this task.Jan 10 2025, 1:34 AM

It's unplayable. 1 day last week I was able to but after that I'm not able to play. I convinced my friends to buy it because I had so much fun my 1 day of playing. Now I can't play but they can.

Tried clearing the game cache and also Xbox persistent storage?
For T187897 a hard reset seems to have fixed it.

Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Jan 10 2025, 10:27 AM

Yes I've cleared the game in fact I reset the whole xbox multiple times. When it loads back it takes maybe 5 seconds for my ping to stop saying 999. Then it drops to like 123 but the servers I'm on are like 33.

Yes I've cleared the game in fact I reset the whole xbox multiple times. When it loads back it takes maybe 5 seconds for my ping to stop saying 999. Then it drops to like 123 but the servers I'm on are like 33.

Alright. Series S or X?
Do you use an external storage device or something similar plugged in?
Have you tried with different Xbox video settings such as resolution, refresh rate and also tried turning HDR off?

I've got the x. I unplugged my external hard drive. I went to a wired connection to be sure. And still the same. I can play hell let loose and cod no problem. What settings in the Xbox would you suggest? It seems like it could be an issue with graphics since the more stuff that loads the faster I dc back to home

I've got the x. I unplugged my external hard drive. I went to a wired connection to be sure. And still the same. I can play hell let loose and cod no problem. What settings in the Xbox would you suggest? It seems like it could be an issue with graphics since the more stuff that loads the faster I dc back to home

Well, I'm no expert but these settings are working fine on my Series X:

It must also be noted that I am using the PERFORMANCE quality preset in the Arma settings, could be worth trying.

Ok great I'm on now I'll give it a shot. I found i could lower to 720p so I'll give that a shot too. Will update!

Nope legit in that time I loaded up and crashed instantly

I unplugged my headphones and I've been going for like 5 min now..?

I unplugged my headphones and I've been going for like 5 min now..?

Ah yes, I forgot to mention that! I did write about it in the ticket linked above.
It seems to be some compatibility issue maybe?
There's also this ticket: T187496

Which headset model are you using?

Super basic turtle beach. The single headphone one

byNautiic added a comment.EditedJan 10 2025, 6:17 PM

Super basic turtle beach. The single headphone one

Hmm, okay. I wonder if the problematic headsets (seems to be cheaper ones?) share the same "format types" or something like that, that could be causing the issue.
I'm using a wired HyperX Cloud3 and have not had any problems with it.

@Geez Headsets causing crashes seems to be a pretty big issue.

@bkuz16 you could try using different headset formats, in the Xbox audio/volume settings. Also see if you have any options enabled under "Additional options".

Wow that's crazy lol. Yeah I'll tinker with them and see. Thanks for all your help. Been playing this whole time no issues so that was it.