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In game voice comm bug keeps mic audio in buffer before transmitting
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number: (Steam)
Modded?: (Yes/No) No
If modded, please list the mods:

Issue Description:
Unsure of the proper terms to use when describing the bug.
When you speak in real life (such as over discord or talking in real life) and then stop talking in real life so that you can click the in game radio transmit/local area transmit key to say something in game, the game will transmit some of the stuff you said in real life prior to clicking the button in game.

I have 2 videos attached that will help explain the problem better.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
win 10 21H2
Steps To Reproduce
  1. talk into your mic in real life
  2. stop talking and quickly press the transmit key, the end portion of what you said in step 1 will transmit in game even though you did not say anything after pressing the transmit key ------

Video 1 gives an overview to the problem. Video 2 gives a 'real world' example of the bug

Additional Information

Please let me know if anything is unclear. If needed I can attempt to re-explain/re-document the bug.

Event Timeline

lwing created this task.Dec 28 2024, 2:21 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 3 2025, 4:31 PM

I've experienced this a few times on Xbox Series X too.
Was only when using Soviet radio backpack though.
HyperX Cloud 3 headset, just in case it shows to matter.

lwing added a comment.Jan 4 2025, 6:39 PM

I've experienced this a few times on Xbox Series X too.
Was only when using Soviet radio backpack though.
HyperX Cloud 3 headset, just in case it shows to matter.

This happens with any comms in game including local voice chat. If you are mistaken and think I am refering to being able to hear myself talking then that is not the bug -- I only have the radio tuned to the same channel twice because it lets me demo the problem by being able to hear myself talk. You may have heard yourself twice while wearing the backpack because you had two radios and thus tuned to the same channel (which is not a bug)

byNautiic added a comment.EditedJan 4 2025, 7:47 PM

I've experienced this a few times on Xbox Series X too.
Was only when using Soviet radio backpack though.
HyperX Cloud 3 headset, just in case it shows to matter.

This happens with any comms in game including local voice chat. If you are mistaken and think I am refering to being able to hear myself talking then that is not the bug -- I only have the radio tuned to the same channel twice because it lets me demo the problem by being able to hear myself talk. You may have heard yourself twice while wearing the backpack because you had two radios and thus tuned to the same channel (which is not a bug)

Ok so, to clarify, I had said something while my push-to-talk was OFF.
I then maybe 5 or 10 seconds later clicked push-to-talk (platoon radio) ON and without saying ANYTHING I heard myself (because I was wearing the radio backpack) saying what I had said earlier, when push-to-talk was OFF.
It is like you said, there is some sort of "buffer" storing what you say, and then transmitting it the next time you activate push-to-talk.

So it is very possible this happens all the time, but I only noticed it because I was wearing backpack radio and could hear myself.

lwing added a comment.EditedJan 9 2025, 6:01 PM

Yessir in that case we are on the same page and both experienced the bug. I was only going into extra detail in case you or I didnt understand each others context since this problem is awkward to explain (atleast it is for me). Cheers and thanks for your time