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Enemy Radio Relay Station placed outside base capture area, making it impossible to dismantle
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


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Issue Description: So I was taking this base in Hornbeam Valley, but noticed their radio tower was seemingly placed outside of the base capture area, meaning it could not be dismantled during the base capture process:


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Windows 10
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Steps To Reproduce

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I suppose you'd need a radio relay station placed at the very edge of the a base, and then switch team & try to dismantle it while capturing that base.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 7 2025, 1:38 PM

I confirm this vulnerability.

This is a great defense against a base being captured by one player and without bots, as you need someone to stand at the main tent and support the capture.

This is a feature, since the build radius is larger than the capture one. You can dismantle the structures after you capture the base.

byNautiic added a comment.EditedJan 18 2025, 2:18 PM

This is a feature, since the build radius is larger than the capture one. You can dismantle the structures after you capture the base.

Maybe I misunderstood you but it is also a feature to be able to dismantle enemy radio relays WHILE capturing the base. Even mentioned in changelog:

This issue directly prevents that.
It is not coherent with the game mechanics I mention above.

@PR9INICHEK It is a bit of an exploit. You can destroy radio relays inside the base alone, and the antennas at the edge of the base should be the most vulnerable ones, thus also destructible when alone.