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Dissapeared items
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


Hello, yesterday I was trying to connect couple of time to the server and it kept kicking me with error saying "Unexpected database error".

Today I joined succesfully, first of all a 35 seconds timer was counting down so that was already strange to me.

After I logged in popup windows showed up saying One or multiple items were dropped


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 11 Home 24H2
Steps To Reproduce

Lost loot refunding due to error (Unexpected database error).

Logout > Login issue.

Additional Information

I'd want to know if you can check this issue because I lost most of my valuable loot that I was collecting hardly in 10 days character session.

I'm running DayZ on Windows x64 (latest updated version - 24H2)

Server on which I was playing is 5420 | EUROPE - DE

My steam ID:

Event Timeline

vlados24332 updated the task description. (Show Details)
vlados24332 added a comment.EditedDec 22 2024, 11:41 PM

My hunter backpack is missing in which was Lemas (Rifle wrapped) and many other things that were in the backpack.

Missing ghillie hood, KA-74 flashlight, batteries inside etc. etc.

I hope you can refund me.

vlados24332 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Dec 22 2024, 11:46 PM
vlados24332 set Operating System Version to Windows 11 Home 24H2.
vlados24332 updated the task description. (Show Details)Dec 22 2024, 11:49 PM
vlados24332 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
vlados24332 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

Any solution to this?

Dude, are you serious? )

This comment was removed by vlados24332.
vlados24332 added a comment.EditedDec 25 2024, 5:07 PM

It's a fucking game, so no matter anyway. But someone should reply from some logical point of view anyway.

It's a fucking game, so no matter anyway. But someone should reply from some logical point of view anyway.

I'd wait a bit for an answer, they are likely on Christmas holidays and stuff right now.
I hope they are able to do something for you though.

This comment was removed by vlados24332.
Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Jan 6 2025, 11:56 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you, we are currently looking into this.