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'Expose' rest of vehicle soundcontrollers
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As a layman one would assume that there are several vehicle sound controllers that are not "exposed" so that they could be used in simple expressions etc, mainly interested in controllers for soundServo, soundServoVertical, soundGetIn, soundGetOut, reloadSound and magazineReloadSound in vehicle config..

Would be neat if these could be added to the existing pool of sound controllers so we could utilize them in soundshaders etc because these were apparently overlooked when the "new" sound stuff came with Eden update aeons ago.

Since this was a "bit" badly set up, bumping with more info:
I'm talking about the things in vehicle turret config, for example soundServo[] = {"path\to\sound.wss", 1, 1, 90};

These are absolutely shitty because they work as any other sounds that uses that type of "definiton", as in it fades out linearly(?) within 90m distance of camera(?).
This is bad, for example the sound is more audible outside of the vehicle than inside which is just sad.
If modding/cdlcing WW2 era tanks where a manually moved tank turret would sound outside as if someone was turning a handcrank outside the vehicle..
No idea why it is that way, it seems like the zoom level of the turret reticle is too far away or something weird(?).

Also, if you're a dumbass perfectionist like I am I would want a soundshader + soundset control over this to make it sound proper.

I would be happy if soundServo and soundServoVertical would get a soundcontroller going from 0 to 1 depending on the turret traverse/vertical speed, the rest from the above original request can be ignored, those are easy to script with customsoundcontrollers.

One problem is of course that each turret on a vehicle has it's own soundServo and soundServoVertical but I assume the engine has some internal iterator for this? 🤔


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

h- created this task.Dec 20 2024, 5:11 PM
h- updated the task description. (Show Details)Dec 20 2024, 5:14 PM
h- updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 10 2025, 6:58 PM
h- updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 17 2025, 4:28 PM
TRAGER added a subscriber: TRAGER.Jan 17 2025, 6:14 PM
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