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[Feature Request] Option for Realistic Depth of Field for Apertures
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To preface this, this is a bit of a QoL/realism suggestion, so no pressure.

At the moment, the only iron sights available for use on the AR platform are the CQB/low light rear aperture, which seems like a departure from doctrine of the time as well as manual of arms for the rifle. Currently, apertures (both on the AR platform and on the m14/21) do not function as an aperture would, where the pinhole creates a "bloom" effect, creating a window of extreme focus/clarity past the hole and almost providing the illusion of magnification through a "lens". For this reason, more precise shooting with irons is not possible, and irons are almost functionally the same a red dot in practice. The option to switch between the standard aperture and the short range aperture would also be appreciated, expanding the versatility of the vanilla weapon.

For reference, an aperture sight would appear as what is shown below (photos are not my own).

Delving further into the topic of red dots within the game being functionally the same as iron sights at the moment — due to the current method of displaying depth of field, red dots provide little to no advantage when it comes to target acquisition compared to irons as there is currently no system for "both eyes open" aiming, though another user has already provided insight into this topic along with suggestions in the following ticket: T181279

Any feedback on the plausibility of this would be greatly appreciated, along with alternatives to make optics selection more purpose-driven and provide distinctions between the use cases of the current roster of optics in the game.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Nov 27 2024, 10:46 AM

Squad has this feature and i don't think it works in videogames due to the fact that your screen is always the same distance away from you. Also personaly that feature made my eyes very tired very fast because of the blur, if they ever add something like that to arma i hope it can be disabled.

Squad has this feature and i don't think it works in videogames due to the fact that your screen is always the same distance away from you. Also personaly that feature made my eyes very tired very fast because of the blur, if they ever add something like that to arma i hope it can be disabled.

i understand the eye strain potential, thats why id prefer if it could be optional, be it through gameplay settings or as a bind of its own. Regarding the feature in Squad, There isn't really any "see through" portion from both eyes aiming other than the front sight post on the AR platform (which is a feature due to the focal length of the optic, not the player character's eyes), its just some really intense blurring and there isn't any lensatic effect ("opening up" of the aperture) when aiming through irons. In regards to other games that have done this pretty well, Afterconflict (which is still unavailable to the public, though demos of the M16a2 are on youtube) gets that "opening up" effect really effectively.