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Add method to control turn of animals/infected directly
Assigned, NormalPublic


Right now we have methods

proto native void OverrideTurnSpeed(bool state, float turnSpeed);
proto native void OverrideHeading(bool state, float heading);

but this because as always is undocumented does not work for me well

I want method to directly set/get turn variable in animal animgraph which is sufficient in my opinion to control direction of animal, see attached video
Just turn without not need override heading and so on.
I tried add set turning variable into moddable movement, but it not work smoothly as in animeditor.

my code snipped of controlling horse:

hic = player.GetInputController();
			//rotace kone
			//inputController.OverrideHeading(true, inputController.GetHeading()+(hic.GetAimChange()[0]));
			float movementX = input.SyncedValue_ID(UAMoveRight) - input.SyncedValue_ID(UAMoveLeft);
			float maxTurnSpeed = 100.0;
			movementX = Math.Clamp(movementX * maxTurnSpeed * pDt, -180, 180);
			//Print ("movementX "+ movementX);
			float heading = GetOrientation()[0] + movementX;
			//Print ("HEADING " + (heading * Math.DEG2RAD));
			m_HorseTurn = movementX * 6.2;
			//POZOR stare toceni
			inputController.OverrideHeading(true, heading * Math.DEG2RAD );
			inputController.OverrideTurnSpeed(true, Math.PI2 / pDt);

			//Print("DIRECTION " + plrdirection);
			//Print ("Direction 2 " + plrdirection[2]);
			if ( plrdirection[2] < 0)
				//Print("SET BACK");
				m_AGDirection = 180;
				m_AGDirection = 0;
			float mspeed = plrspeed;
			if (plrspeed == 0)
			if (plrspeed == 1)
				mspeed = 3;
			if (plrspeed == 2)
				mspeed = 3.8;
				if (GetHorseSpeed() <3)
			if (plrspeed >= 3 && GetStaminaValue() > 2000)
				mspeed = 5.2;
			else if (plrspeed >= 3 && GetStaminaValue() <= 2000 && GetStaminaValue() > 1000)
				mspeed = 3.8;
			else if (plrspeed >= 3 && GetStaminaValue() <= 1000)
				mspeed = 3.8;
			if (m_AGDirection == 0 && !CanMoveForward())
				mspeed = 0;				
			if (m_AGDirection == 180 && !CanMoveBackward())
				mspeed = 0;				
			// acceleration
			//inputController.OverrideMovementSpeed(true, Math.Clamp(GetHorseSpeed(),0,mspeed));
			inputController.OverrideMovementSpeed(true, mspeed);
			if (hic.IsJumpClimb() && !ShouldSwim() && CanJump() && GetStaminaValue() > 800)
				inputController.OverrideJump(true, 101, 100);
			} else {
				inputController.OverrideJump(false, 0, 0);	

how I am adding turn into movement

modded class DayZAnimalCommandMoveModdable
	override void PreAnimUpdate( float pDt )
		Horse_Base horse = Horse_Base.Cast(GetEntity());
		if (horse && horse.GetAnimST())
			//behaviour slot 3 - enraged
			//dog.GetAnimST().SetBehaviorSlotIDM(this, 3);

			horse.GetAnimST().SetDirectionM(this, horse.GetAGDirection());
			horse.GetAnimST().SetWildM(this, horse.IsWild());
			horse.GetAnimST().SetSwimM(this, horse.ShouldSwim());
			horse.GetAnimST().SetFallM(this, horse.ShouldFall());
			horse.GetAnimST().SetTurnM(this, horse.GetHorseTurn());
		super.PreAnimUpdate( pDt );


Operating System
Windows 10

Event Timeline

Hunterz created this task.Wed, Oct 2, 8:49 AM

Simply I just want control animal by speed and turn, his movement in world should be based on entityposition movement/rotation as is visible in animeditor video above, not by overriding heading or turnspeed.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Wed, Oct 2, 10:44 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Wed, Oct 2, 2:34 PM

Here is some small documentation for those two functions:

OverrideHeading takes input the negative yaw angle in radians, so if you want to force the animal to face the same direction, you will pass in `OverrideHeading(true, -GetOrientation()[0] * Math.DEG2RAD)
OverrideTurnSpeed controls the maximum speed (rad/s) it can take to turn to the desired heading angle. If you want it to be instant, just put a high number here. This overrides the maxAngleSpeed value inside of AI configs.

Thank you for quick reply, as I understand that control of turning using new method will be still more useful for my usecase.