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Server Freeze
Assigned, NormalPublic


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Issue Description: Sometimes the server will steadily drop down to 4 server fps and then everything will freeze in place, such as the helicopter in the video but also AI and players will freeze mid-animation when it occurs. You can walk around and shoot client-side but not reload the gun or do some other stuff, you cannot send a text message in chat for example.
It seems like it only happens on some official Conflict servers (I mostly play EU servers) and only on 4 server fps, I have not observed it on any other servers but many times on Official Conflict Everon. It usually happens early-mid game, if it happens. The freeze can last for several minutes or until the server resets.
Very frustrating and off-putting to new players especially.


Operating System
Windows 10
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Steps To Reproduce

Please include reproduction steps here!!!!
Play in a official Conflict lobby for a while and see if the server fps after a while steadily drops down.

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Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Sep 10 2024, 2:05 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello byNautiic.
Can you please provide the name of the server and time of occurrence so we can check?

Hello byNautiic.
Can you please provide the name of the server and time of occurrence so we can check?

Hello Geez

Currently playing in Official Conflict server 11478076 which seems to be affected right now and it is about to freeze.


byNautiic added a comment.EditedSep 13 2024, 5:49 PM

Yep it's toasted now. 17:49 CET / 5:49PM CET

Currently (6:51PM CET) also the server 13245681 is early-game and already showing consistently low & decreasing server fps in the red zone, which is indicative of an incoming freeze. I'd keep an eye on this too.

Currently getting low frames on 11478076 again, early game. Likely freeze incoming.

Low on 13245681 again.

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Assigned.Sep 16 2024, 10:56 AM

Hello again, I will just add that today on 16:26 CET, the server 13245690 (Game Master Arland EU Official with 30 players then) froze at 2 server fps.
I've also seen repeated freezes on the previously mentioned servers, sometimes on 6 server fps too.
I have confirmed with other players that the server freezes for them too, so it is not a client-side issue.

Oddly, it seems some servers are always completely stable. 11056399 (Conflict Everon EU Official) is the server I almost always play on, and it rarely even warns of server fps going below 30. Never had an issue with that one.

By the way, any updates regarding this issue?

Here is a better video, from today 29th September on 11478076 :

This specific freeze resolved itself after a while it seems, without resetting the server.

byNautiic added a comment.EditedJan 17 2025, 11:42 PM

Issue seemingly still present, only on certain servers.
Joined 11478073 today 17 January on 23:29 CET and it was frozen at 8 server fps, very early match progress:

Notably also tried to join 11478076 around 23:34 the same day, but it just kept returning REPLICATION CONNECTION_FAILURE ( T187284 ) and wouldn't even connect, so I gave up on that one. Tried a random different Official server and it loaded fine.