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Huey armour values way to high
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game Version number: Current live version
Modded?: No
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Issue Description:

Tonight on the live servers on official, we hit a Huey with 4+ rockets and it stayed in the air without repairs, I hit it three times, and another person hit it once.

I scored 2 hits on the tail rotor, and one on the main rotor, the other person hit the tail in between both rotors.

This in ANY other ArmA or OFP game would be the end of the chopper unless it was one like the CH-47, MI-24, or MI-17.

This can be replicated in official, and prior to release which is why I wrote a bad review because you guys don't test stuff before you push it. The bug reports I have open are proof of this.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Hit a Huey while it's flying with an RPG and you'll see it take multiple RPG's to bring a Huey down.

Using the RPG-7 which has been seen to knock a UH-60 out with one hit to the Tail rotor, a Huey should not be able to survive even one RPG, there are many examples of this from Vietnam of Huey's taking RPG's and not surviving.

Event Timeline

falcon91 created this task.Fri, Aug 23, 7:23 AM
falcon91 changed Severity from None to Major.
falcon91 changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always.
falcon91 changed Category from General to Explosives.
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Mon, Aug 26, 3:45 PM

It's a desync. It happens all the time both with UH-60s and Mi8s.
It's the same problem as with vehicle occupants surviving heavy fire from M60 with AP rounds.
This kind of problems were reported around June 2023 when server authoritative vehicles were introduced:
Since then this problem just exists and probably won't be solved until BIS fixes their net protocol.

falcon91 added a subscriber: Geez.Mon, Aug 26, 6:10 PM

@Geez this isn't feedback I've tested this multiple times since launch with explosives.

You guys need to quit adding stuff and fix the current issues. Players really should just start invoicing you guys at an hourly rate for the testing we do.


You guys need to quit adding stuff and fix the current issues. Players really should just start invoicing you guys at an hourly rate for the testing we do.

And we will be paid in (lagging) supplies...