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Player has been kicked by Battle eye : client not responding
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Multiple players are reporting that they are being kicked before they can get into the game and they see a message saying server is unreachable. When I look on my rcon it mentions the player has been kicked by battle eye client not responding. Players have tried many different things with a very little success. Sometimes it seems like they can randomly get in and play but as soon as they close the game and try to get back in the problem continues. This only happens to a handful of people, many players never experienced the problem.


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

Try to log in

Additional Information

These are many of the steps that we have already tried with no success.

Restarted modem and router.
Checked and reset network settings.
Reset router to factory settings.
Tried using a VPN.
Reinstalled DayZ and BattlEye.
Ran game and BattlEye executables as administrator.
Conducted network stability tests.
Verified integrity of game files through Steam.
Reinstalled BattleEye manually from the DayZ installation folder.
Added exceptions for DayZ and BattleEye in security software.
Disabled Steam overlay for DayZ.
Ensured Steam is up to date.
Used wired connection instead of Wi-Fi.
Updated network drivers.
Ensured server configuration is correct and checked for conflicting mods or scripts.
Removed and repaired corrupt Windows files using DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and SFC /scannow.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jul 25 2024, 11:16 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Elonsmusk.
Have you tried to contact BE support?

I reached out to battle eye at the same time as creating this bug tracker. I saw that there may be an issue that you guys are currently working on with this I wasn't sure if that was already addressed. I saw "We are investigating an increase in BattlEye-related kicks of regular players. We are in contact with BattlEye and working on a solution."

Geez added a comment.Jul 25 2024, 11:28 AM

I reached out to battle eye at the same time as creating this bug tracker. I saw that there may be an issue that you guys are currently working on with this I wasn't sure if that was already addressed. I saw "We are investigating an increase in BattlEye-related kicks of regular players. We are in contact with BattlEye and working on a solution."

If that is in regards to then that issue should no longer occur unless the players use borderline or below minimum specs setup. Also This one has different error message.

It must be something different then because the players do not see anything mentioning battle eye, I only see that on the rcon at the same time they see a message saying warning 0x00040004 you were kicked off the game. Connection with host has been lost.

Geez added a comment.Jul 25 2024, 12:49 PM

Hello Elonsmusk.
The error points towards following:

0x00040004 - TIMEOUT Players network timed out

I understand that. But why would it be happening to multiple players all of a sudden?

Geez added a comment.Jul 25 2024, 1:18 PM

Can you please send your mod list?

Before I do that I thought I might mention also something that he was able to do that is proven successful for getting in the server.

He was able to get in by uninstalling battleeye batch file restarting pc then reinstalling battleeyes batch file.

Something keeps corrupting his battle eye.