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If a driver desyncs while driving and gets kicked, the passenger CANNOT get out of the car during the duration that the driver is getting timed out from the server.
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Title. This needs to be fixed. The passenger can't get out of the car until the drivers' character disappears.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce


Additional Information

Pretty self explanatory.

Event Timeline

Osdaeus added a subscriber: Osdaeus.EditedJul 22 2024, 4:31 AM

As far as I know this is due to the fact the driver is using some sort of controls on the car. Only 1 player can exit the car at the same time, and the same rule applies to any vehicular control. If the driver was holding the gas or brakes when they disconnected the car will not allow passengers to exit until the driver has fully disconnected and been kicked from the server. (Could be wrong about the gas or brakes but certain actions in cars block any other player from being able to exit the car or close doors while that action is currently attempting to or being preformed)

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jul 22 2024, 9:57 AM

As far as I know this is due to the fact the driver is using some sort of controls on the car. Only 1 player can exit the car at the same time, and the same rule applies to any vehicular control. If the driver was holding the gas or brakes when they disconnected the car will not allow passengers to exit until the driver has fully disconnected and been kicked from the server. (Could be wrong about the gas or brakes but certain actions in cars block any other player from being able to exit the car or close doors while that action is currently attempting to or being preformed)

You can - in fact, as a passenger, leave a moving car. I've personally done it. However unfortunately a person desyncing completely breaks the mechanics until the driver disappears from the game. Now imagine you are getting shot at, driver desyncs and you sit there, unable to leave the car for 15 seconds. Would suck.