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I start the game and an error crashes
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I start the game and an error crashes "error code 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION"
I tried all the solutions to this problem that I could find on YouTube, nothing helped, even the command "-nocharmenu"
Deleting the game completely several times did not help.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 11 23H2
Steps To Reproduce

The error indicated above appears constantly, no matter which server I go to, this error appeared with update 1.24, if there are other options how to fix it, then I would like to know.

Additional Information

This error appeared with update 1.24, if there are other options for how to fix it, then I would like to know.

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Event Timeline

MisMi created this task.Jun 18 2024, 2:12 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello MisMi.
Since you created this ticket in the modding section, does this mean you are running mods? If so, does clean installation without any mods crash the same?

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jun 18 2024, 5:19 PM

i also receive this code i have downloded dzsa launcher aswell. i can load up dzsa but any key input or mouse click immediatly shuts it down no matter if dayz lets me into the game or not after waiting, queueing up for the server im in, and getting all the way to being able to move my character around the moment i press a key or click my mouse it shuts off. so dzsa isnt working either.

and yes i have completely reinstalled dayz twice and verified files 3 times

Geez added a comment.Jul 9 2024, 2:23 PM

and yes i have completely reinstalled dayz twice and verified files 3 times

Hello darkenedlotusdrake.
Please, create a separate ticket next time instead of hijacking another ticket, as your cause is likely different from what the reporter experiences despite similar error code.
We suggest that you update your drivers to the latest version, disable any programs that consume resources on your computer and try the game without mods at first.
According to the dxdiag you are running a GPU card which is below minimum requirements listed on the Steam store and in that case we cannot guarantee the game will run flawlessly or at all.

the game crashes and says the file needs to be reinstalled.