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The game is extremely laggy since patch 1.25
Reviewed, NormalPublic


The game since 1.25 is very laggy, it is impossible to play, fps is normal 60 but these TERRIBLE lags. Before this update everything was running smooth as butter. I double Verify integrity of game files in Steam, everything is ok.
Play on official servers.


Operating System
Windows 8 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 8.1 (x64)

Event Timeline

FoxxSon created this task.Mon, Jun 10, 6:49 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Tue, Jun 11, 11:16 AM
_4CB_ added a subscriber: _4CB_.Tue, Jun 11, 7:04 PM

The same problem, after patch 1.25 there are freezes when shooting, in large cities.

The same problem, after patch 1.25 there are freezes when shooting, in large cities.

No, my game lags (freezes) every second when you move the camera, when you move, when you open inventory, even when you press Esc. Before this update everything was smooth.

sileed added a subscriber: sileed.Thu, Jun 13, 1:34 PM
This comment was removed by FoxxSon.

Still stutters every second. What's wrong with 1.25? Why did the game start stuttering? It is not possible to play. before the update everything was fine. Never before have I had such stuttering every second. Never installed mods, vanilla game.

gaming laptop: cpu: Intel Core i5 4200m; gpu: Nvidia GTX 765M; ram: 16GB

the game is installed on ssd

I even reinstalled the game with deleting all save folders and etc. all folders in all hidden places, delete BattlEye. This did not help
I even ran the game on Windows 10 on this laptop, the same stuttering.
What did you do with DayZ in 1.25???