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Interior footstep sounds are not implemented due configuration flaws of classes and paths
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The game data has a full set of sounds for indoor footsteps, they are partially done in configuration, but at end the sounds of outdoor footsteps will be used
A little configuration work needs to be done:

  1. create new Sound Shader classes
  2. create new Sound Sets samples for indoors wood creak
  3. change existing Sound Set classes with new created Sound Shader values
  4. change in existing Sound Set classes shaders for boots with values from outdoors footsteps_boots_ to indoor variants: footsteps_boots_int_

This work should be done for all 8 game-used types of indoor surfaces, these sounds are located in the folders:

  • a3\sounds_f\characters\footsteps\
  • int_carpet_exp
  • int_concrete
  • int_lino_exp
  • int_mat_exp
  • int_metalplate
  • int_pavement
  • int_softwood
  • int_solidwood_exp


of completed work see:
and as mod variant:

here is YT video shows how footstep sounds work in current dev and after changes from this ticket


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

example for wood surface:

  1. download and open repro mission in Eden editor, Stratis world
  2. move inside building wooden floor
  3. move out from building
  4. move outsid building wooden floor
  5. result→ the steps sounds are same (do not take into account reverbs additions and sound FX)
  6. download mod with fix example, try again 1-4 steps
  7. result→ the steps sounds are different, and looking at their file names (paths, classes), this is how it should have been originally by design
Additional Information

When a player enters house the reverb shaders are added to his footstep sounds footsteps_*SURFACE*_int_rev_run_SoundSet, BUT the footsteps themselves will still be for the outside surface

Event Timeline

TRAGER created this task.Jun 7 2024, 3:22 PM
TRAGER updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 8 2024, 5:31 AM
TRAGER edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 8 2024, 8:47 AM
TRAGER edited Additional Information. (Show Details)