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Moving between seats in a vehicle
New, NormalPublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: (Yes/No) No

Issue Description:
Right now moving between seats happens by looking at a seat and holding F key. I suggest that moving between seats would be changed to a new key/button or integrated to the exit vehicle key. It would work like this.
Holding down the exit vehicle key would open a radial view that would show all the directions to exit the vehicle and all possible moves to other seats and other functions in range of that seat like open/close doors or hatches available in the radial menu.

The main reason for this is that the "Look, then move" is actually too restrictive. You do not need to look at a seat to start to move towards it.

Two examples:

  1. Moving from gunner position in a HMMWV to any of the inside seats is unnecessarily difficult now, since you need to activate freelook to turn your head to activate the action points, but there is no reason why you would need to look down in to the vehicle prior to the start of moving back in to the vehicle.
  2. Moving inside the BTR. You should be able to choose any seat and move directly to that seat (just make sure that the longer the move, the longer the transition lasts). Not a huge importance now, but assuming that either the top hatches and/or the side gun ports become functional, then the choice of seat becomes more crucial.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

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