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Cheater on server EU - DE 1297
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was running in a field between the NWAF and Grishino when I suddenly just died, of course with no gunshot sound (not even a subsonic crack). I also had a helmet and full health, so a perfect headshot kill is unlikely. Time of death: 28.04.2024 12:04


Operating System
Windows 10
Additional Information

I just recently came back to DayZ in hopes that this cheater situation has been dealt with, and in all fairness it is better than it was several months ago, but it's still far from perfect. I understand that it is hard to deal with cheaters, after all all games have issues with cheaters, however it is important to remember that DayZ, unlike other games, requires a ton of time in order to get decent gear, and losing all that to a cheater just makes players demotivated and eventually quit the game. Dying to a cheater after 3 hours of traveling and looting truly makes me think about all my life decisions that made me get to this point. I know it's unlikely that anyone at Bohemia will hear me out, after all to you I'm probably just another fag that's complaining about cheaters, but have you guys considered doing what other competitive games are doing about cheaters? For example, some games use multiple anti-cheats, some even make their own, some have an report system where trusted players themselves can investigate reports (so no need to dedicate any of your people to check reports) and so on. In theory there could also be a simple algorithm implemented where players who hit several, long-distance headshots in a row get flagged/banned. I don't really know what you guys have considered and what's already been ruled out, but please, don't give up. DayZ as a game is truly beautiful and unique, especially compared to other games, and solving this issue would make the immersion truly unbeatable. You really can't be immersed in a game where you can blame your death on anything else other than your own stupidity.

Event Timeline

Damca created this task.Sun, Apr 28, 1:43 PM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Mon, Apr 29, 1:46 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you, we will investigate with BattlEye.

Damca added a comment.Mon, Apr 29, 2:19 PM

Sorry to bother you again, but if I may ask, what do you mean by investigating with BattlEye exactly? Every time there's a cheater reported you apparently do so (which is a good thing of course), but what is it exactly that you do? Write an email to BattlEye? Check the logs? And what does happen after that, does the cheater just simply get banned or will the cheating software itself get flagged (and all it's users banned globally)? Thanks in advance

Geez added a comment.Mon, Apr 29, 2:22 PM

Sorry to bother you again, but if I may ask, what do you mean by investigating with BattlEye exactly? Every time there's a cheater reported you apparently do so (which is a good thing of course), but what is it exactly that you do? Write an email to BattlEye? Check the logs? And what does happen after that, does the cheater just simply get banned or will the cheating software itself get flagged (and all it's users banned globally)? Thanks in advance

Hello Damca.
Unfortunately I cannot provide any information in regards to BattlEye's hack detection and banning process as this is not public information. However we do work closely with BattlEye to ensure that as many as possible hackers will get detected and banned. BattlEye keeps updating their hack database to stay on top of the hackers.