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Dayz not responding on startup, black screen and high ram usage!
Closed, ResolvedPublic


So yesterday i played normally DayZ without any issue. But today i can't even launch the game for some reason. I get black screen when i want to join any server( with or without mods ).
I tried verifying the game couple of times, uninstalling it, running bulldozer in the DayZ Launcher, running another launcher, i was so desperate that i reinstalled my windows but none of them worked. The game works on my laptop but its a old one so its unplayable. At some point the memory usage is 99% and it crashes and i get this error. Can anyone help me please, thanks in advance.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Mar 1 2024, 10:21 AM

Hello Mali_Yuda.
Please try the following:

Verify the game data through Steam and delete the configuration files when prompted to do so (make sure Steam cloud sync is disabled for DayZ before doing this) - you can also delete the config files manually by clearing the C:\Users\*username*\Documents\DayZ folder

I know you have mentioned verifying, but please make sure to clear the documents folder as well as uninstalling does not remove it as far as I know.

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Mar 1 2024, 10:21 AM

I tried that but it didn't work, tried it again now and still the same result. Game eventually goes to 99% ram usage and crashes. PC Specs: Ryzen 7 5800X, RTX 3080 TI, 32 GB DDR4 3600MHZ

Geez added a comment.Mar 1 2024, 11:52 AM

Are all your drivers up to date? Have you tried different GPU driver versions?

Yes i did that as well

I uninstall windows 10 and installed windows 11 i thought maybe it would fix that, but it did not

Do you have hardware antialiasing enabled in your settings?

I do not know, the settings have been reseted. I can not get into the game to check it.

@Mali_Yuda Go to Documents --> DayZ --> open DayZ.cfg in Notepad. One of the lines should be "MSAA=" with a number after it - what is that number?

@Mali_Yuda Can you add a line at the bottom please?


Then save, launch the game, and see if it still happens?

Still black screen :/

The game not only uses 99% ram now, it uses 99% cpu as well

Is here still a solution for this problem? One of your players from our server has exactly the same problem and we also don't get it to run :/

@Thomas2000 The only thing that helped me was disabling hardware anti-aliasing/MSAA.

We tried that, i send the player my config file were MSAA is at 0, but its also not working

My only other suggestion would be disabling Steam's Cloud Sync, deleting everything on Documents --> DayZ, and then seeing if the game starts with a completely new config file.

Outside of that, I unfortunately have no other suggestions - the devs don't seem very committed to finding a resolution either.

I reinstalled windows to windows 11 now, game still wont start. Bought a laptop yesterday, installed it on the laptop and still wont work. Is it somehow related to my steam account? I have no clue what else to do :/

Geez added a comment.Apr 5 2024, 5:23 PM

I reinstalled windows to windows 11 now, game still wont start. Bought a laptop yesterday, installed it on the laptop and still wont work. Is it somehow related to my steam account? I have no clue what else to do :/

Is there something specific you install across all the machines that could cause this issue? If you use nvidia GPU, do you install/manage the drivers through geforce experience? (As there were issues previously reported when users used the beta application).

Yeah i have Nvidia GPU on both machines, but i manually installed them. I dont even have geforce experience installed.

Geez added a comment.Apr 5 2024, 5:29 PM

Could you try using the geforce experience possibly?

I did now, sadly still nothing. Games just doesn't respond gets to 99% ram and crashes...

Found a fix finally, installed DayZ Exp, copied all from the document file to the normal DayZ, launched it and it worked.

kuzyn added a subscriber: kuzyn.Apr 7 2024, 7:42 PM

Found a fix finally, installed DayZ Exp, copied all from the document file to the normal DayZ, launched it and it worked.

I had this issue last year and did the same to fix it. My friend as well. Game was launching and it was black all the time. We had to clean everything for main DayZ, then download Experimental, join any server and then I think even without copying anything it was able to launch on the normal DayZ version.

I personally use the Geforce Experience to update the drivers but it does not look like its beta version.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Apr 8 2024, 11:01 AM
Geez claimed this task.

Got the same issue, none of solutions in this thread worked. Any recomendations on this?

Got the same issue, none of solutions in this thread worked. Any recomendations on this?

Are you currently opted into the Geforce Experience beta? That was what fixed things for me

Got the same issue, none of solutions in this thread worked. Any recomendations on this?

Are you currently opted into the Geforce Experience beta? That was what fixed things for me

Tried different options included beta, didmt work

Got the same issue, none of solutions in this thread worked. Any recomendations on this?

Are you currently opted into the Geforce Experience beta? That was what fixed things for me

Tried different options included beta, didmt work

Have you tried deleting DayZ game and all files related to it? Profiles, settings etc.? Then when its clean, install experimental. I dont rember exactly in which order, but you can at this moment try to install DayZ then try joining experimental server or join first then instal.

Got the same issue, none of solutions in this thread worked. Any recomendations on this?

Are you currently opted into the Geforce Experience beta? That was what fixed things for me

Tried different options included beta, didmt work

Have you tried deleting DayZ game and all files related to it? Profiles, settings etc.? Then when its clean, install experimental. I dont rember exactly in which order, but you can at this moment try to install DayZ then try joining experimental server or join first then instal.

Yeap. no success

JIMJONG1986 added a subscriber: JIMJONG1986.EditedOct 21 2024, 12:48 AM


i have done everything above... and i can not load onto any server still...

Any new updated FIXES please?!! So desperate...

P.S - Has anyone got an understanding of WHAT the actual problem is?

Why it happens randomly? Is it Steam, is it the Laptop? is it WIndows?

Ive played Day Z for 500 hours in 3 months since purchase, perfcctly fine.
What changed to block my accsess to ANY server???

Found a fix finally, installed DayZ Exp, copied all from the document file to the normal DayZ, launched it and it worked.

Hello, i have downloaded Experimental, however there is NO seperate folder in order to transfer document to Dayz File
its just ONE dayz file, same as it was before downloding EXP

This comment was removed by JIMJONG1986.

@JIMJONG1986 No it's not fixed, no we don't know what the problem is, and no there's not an update on it. Posting 3 separate comments and spamming peoples' emails won't change that. Post one comment and wait.

@JIMJONG1986 No it's not fixed, no we don't know what the problem is, and no there's not an update on it. Posting 3 separate comments and spamming peoples' emails won't change that. Post one comment and wait.

Respectfully, i have no intention of spamming your email. This is a public forum and i am desperate for solution, given im apart of an active campaign and server, which i now can not use for no good reason.... Surely the persons above havent stopped playing day z, they must have found a way back in right? So im primarily seeking to get their attention not those that haven't found a solution.


hleV added a subscriber: hleV.Jan 1 2025, 7:55 PM

These are the steps I used to fix the issue:

  1. In Documents, make a copy of DayZ directory
  2. Download, launch and exit DayZ Experimental
  3. In Documents, rename DayZ Exp directory to DayZ
  4. In Documents/DayZ, rename DayZ Exp.cfg file to DayZ.cfg (not sure if this step is required, but I've done it)
  5. Launch DayZ, it should work now
  6. You may delete the Documents/DayZ directory and restore your old one that you copied in step 1
dix added a subscriber: dix.Jan 26 2025, 3:12 PM

Just to confirm that the fix above works a treat .. go onto documents , make a copy of dayz , delete the non copy dayz ,download dayz experimental , open it join game n close it down no back to documents, change the name of dayz exp to just dayz ..inside the dayz folder you just renamed change the name of dayz exp.cfg to dayz.cfg run it ..should work just fine