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Xbox Game Dynamics too Easy in comparison to PC
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After two to three months of playing ARMA Reforger, not including past many years of ARMA experience, I'm finding significant evidence denoting the Xbox ARMA Reforger game dynamics are much easier in comparison to PC game players.

A good example I saw last night, Xbox players can use the helicopter easy flight model whereas PC users use the advanced flight model. As such, Xbox players flying the helicopter can readily easily fly inches above the grass (while I reach out the window, picking flowers and grabbing bunnies by their butts for my other teammates) and easily landing right next to large radio antennas without any difficulty. While us PC players have a far more difficult time not crashing into the ground during low level flight, or delivering supplies to remote bases with poorly placed antenna implacements.

As such, I end-up getting yelled at by other players expecting the same easy delivering of supplies, or equivalent landing performance of Xbox players.

Above is proof or evidence of one particular aspect, but I think the easy dynamics of Xbox users is likely throughout the entire gamut of the Xbox ARMA Reforger game dynamics. Likely allowing Xbox players too easily perform difficult tasks other PC players enjoyably toiled over for the past many years, and now with Xbox dynamics effectively killing the motto ARMA has stood by, a military simulation.

Xbox game dynamic, more like a Quake game.
PC game dynamic, trying to adhere to the past ARMA mil-sim, military simulation.

If this type of advantage continues, I believe most PC players will likely remain with ARMA 3, rather than spending time with ARMA Reforger or later.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Join an official Bohemia ARMA Reforger server game
  1. Flight test the helicopter, comparing both Xbox and PC platforms, denoting the extreme ease an Xbox player can fly and maneuver helicopters in comparison to PC platforms.

This likely will be seen across the realm of other Xbox game dynamic functions, such as any movement and shooting with ease.

Additional Information

Suggestion or Workaround

I'd suggest, if Xbox programmers are making a (game code) function easier due to lack of controls in comparison to the PC modeled function; then the PC model should carry a little more weight or authenticity, either creating an explicit equal advantage, or giving a little more weight towards PC players.

Example 1
If Xbox players need the easy flight model, then they should experience more wind effects (or other negative effects) creating a similar flight performance in comparison to PC players.

Example 2
If Xbox players have a far more easier time shooting a target (for whatever reason) in comparison to PC players, then PC players should be blessed with less wind effects. Similar to a golf/bowling handicap.

As for me, I'm biased towards a simulation being somewhat realistic, so I more so enjoy the advanced helicopter flight dynamics, as well as other realism factors within reason.

Event Timeline

rogerx created this task.Feb 24 2024, 6:13 AM
rogerx edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 24 2024, 6:17 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Feb 26 2024, 4:21 PM
This comment was removed by BIS_fnc_KK.

Psychologist... when they post their opinion.

The translated abbreviated edition; lie, cheat and steal.

Another item I realized, since I do not own and operate a PC alongside an Xbox; I cannot directly compare (and probably will never will own an Xbox), are the animations of the developers' perception of what they think should occur, being forced upon players to walk through. A good example of the animations I'm talking about, are the current (and past) "get into vehicle" and "get out of vehicle" animations players are forced to await for playing-out before they can subsequently perform any actions. In most real life scenarios, the animations perform an elaborate dance in slow motion rather than displaying a more realistic quicker sense of urgency, unless using drugs or alcohol.

An example scenario of the animations described above in relation to an explanation why I'm seeing the posted above mentioned above, possibly giving an explanation to a miss-conception of players having an Xbox advantage over PC users, I walk-up on an enemy sitting (resting) not aware of my presence until I'm standing in front of them. Then they get up (or spin around while standing) and quickly (unrealistically) shoot the player already having the drop on them. With the pre-programmed animated exhaustion animations, may slow the player walking-up on the enemy (Player vs Player) and somehow still loose the battle. In real life though, somebody walking-up upon an enemy will likely already be prepared for the next steps to follow, with their exhaustion from walking likely not being a hindrance until after an 1/8 or 1/4 of a mile.

Think you're going to find, many older people simply just avoiding the Player versus Player scenarios, until all these quirks are resolved. Oddly already, there seems to be a 1:9 or 1:10 ration of PC to Xbox players within the official Bohemia multiplayer servers.