Server name: DayZ NL 3663933 (Public) - Hosted by
Required game version: 1.23.*
I am faced with a constant problem of cheaters appearing on the official DayZ server, today at 07:40 AM, 08:00 AM, 08:10 AM and 8:30 AM EET (UTC+2) (+- few minutes).
At firs time we all have been killed near Orlovets in one second without sounds of shots or explosion, in second, in third and in fourth time my teammate`s were killed in a similar way but in ~1000 meters from the first place. We've been killed numerous times in our time in the game, however it feels very much like cheating at this time for a multitude of reasons: how we've been seen from a very long distance in the forest and killed with one shot without any sound many times in a row.
Nickname\ID Steam Moruachok - My account
Nickname\ID Steam Hanacas - teammate`s account
Nickname\ID Steam Triassylo Tarass - teammate`s account
Nickname\ID Steam 15 y.o Talant teammate`s account