There is absolutely no text-based documentation for game play instructions and/or game usage, except for some sparse instructions embedded within the game called a Field Manual and including a semi-detailed PDF map.
- Should include some of the objective(s) of the game, whether building bases or fighting on the front line, should also provide some insight. (eg. How to increase side scores, taking major bases over minor bases)
- Insight on the medical system, such things as bandaging prior to injecting with morphine, etc.
My opinion on (YouTube) videos for instructing, videos are the very last source of information I resort to and can be very time consuming versus reading or scanning through a text manual. (Hopefully the text manual includes some pictures or diagrams, depicting difficult to explain items, for which are likely few, similar to how the Field Manual consists of now.)
- Does not include supply points
- No road names
- Lacks the level of the in-game map detail. (eg. Zoom in on coastal bases, and level of detail is very vague.)