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Ammo clipping outside of the BK-133 shotgun
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I found a loaded BK-133 shotgun in the police station in Krasnostav. I think the shotgun was dropped by a player and not a freshly spawned one, due to other items in the station appearing to be dropped by a player as well. The shotgun had one shell loaded into it - which appeared to be glitching outside of the weapon. This was true in the inventory and in player model as well. Maybe a loaded shotgun dropped by a player, which is derendered due to no players in proximity, and then re-rendered again causes the bug?


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information

Official HC dayz server

Event Timeline

TexTF2 added a subscriber: TexTF2.EditedSep 2 2023, 5:55 AM

I can confirm that. Thats not related by dropping that weapon, it can either be spawned with that shell clipping outside, or, sometimes, while entering server with shells loaded in, shell will clip outside again.
And yes, that bug can be reproduced everywhere, on any officials or community servers.
Speaking of steps to reproduce that:

  1. Shotgun can spawn with already glitched shell.
  2. I can't say for sure, how players can reproduce that glitch upon connecting, player must carry weapon on hands, or carry shotgun on back, or it's doesn't matter.
raxto added a subscriber: raxto.Sep 2 2023, 1:46 PM

I can confirm that, it happens if shell (or unloaded shell) is in the chamber and DayZ client is restarted.

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Sep 4 2023, 11:01 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you.
This is a known issue that has been reported previously and is scheduled for a fix.

Little note: It seems like this clipping glitch related not only to shotgun, but for some of the weapons aswell, here's example with derringer (official server, stable 1.22.156593)

kuzyn added a subscriber: kuzyn.Mar 1 2024, 1:34 AM

After 2 updates it seems like it is still in the game unfortunately.

andro_dawton added a comment.EditedMar 5 2024, 5:29 PM

The SKS floating bullet bug report is from 2019 ^^ T138264

It's kind of low on the list of fixes for cosmetic bugs - I guess.

kuzyn added a comment.May 27 2024, 5:12 PM

BK-18 bugged (found gun with chambered bullet, not reloaded, bullet was visible also on the ground).

Still an issue in 1.27 exp