All the sounds in \a3\sounds_f_enouch\Assets\Environment\SpotFx have a high pitched (around 15.8Khz) noise in them.
This makes maps using these sounds (Livonia and modded) unplayable to those that can hear these sounds.
All the sounds in \a3\sounds_f_enouch\Assets\Environment\SpotFx have a high pitched (around 15.8Khz) noise in them.
This makes maps using these sounds (Livonia and modded) unplayable to those that can hear these sounds.
Be able to hear sounds around 16Khz, play a map with Enoch sounds like Livonia.
Some video clips that were made to while trying to locate the source of the sound.
"\a3\Enoch\Addons\sounds_f_enoch\Assets\Environment\SpotFx\Wind\Wind_Tent_Rustles_02.wss" is especially bad around 1:24, when the clip should be silent, but the high pitch tone is clearly audible and visible in the clip.