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Draw distance is different on 2D and without 2D scopes
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When 2D scopes are turned off, detail level seen through the scopes is lower - no fog, less effects etc., thus it "easier" to see the enemy.
When 2D scopes are turned on, detail level is higher - all graphic effects are the same as from the no-scope perspective, distant objects cannon be seen
I understand that when 2D scopes are off, it's treated as picture in picture and it has lower detail level.
PiP should be customizable. On the server side it should be set at the same value as no-scoped view. Otherwise it gives unfair advantage to players using it.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 11 Home 10.0.22621 compilation 22621
Steps To Reproduce

Turn off or turn on 2D scoped in Gameplay settings.

Event Timeline

It looks it's server dependant. On some servers it works like in the video, on other there's no difference in detail level between 2D and regular scopes.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.May 16 2023, 11:40 AM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.May 17 2023, 3:01 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello kawalec.
This is not a bug according to the devs and works as designed.
If you have 2d scopes off we need to render what you see through the scope and zoomed as well as the surroundings of the scope. This of course results in seing bad LODS through the scope because it is a literal zoom. If you have 2d scopes on we dont need to render the surroundings of the scope and can fully focus on rendering what you see through the scope. And its not like a zoom but more like you would be closer to you are looking at.

In Arma 3 in RHS mods I can set the scopes display in three ways. 2D, 3D and picture in picture.
The one that resembles the Reforger scopes is PiP.
So why not make a LoD setting for PiP?

@Geez Thank you for the answer and the explanation, but unfortunately it does not satisfy me. It's 2023 not 2000. With the new engine we need something better that this.