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Gameplay settings are not saved while in the game
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Gameplay setting like FOV, hints etc. are not saved while playing a multiplayer game. I need to set it while I'm in the main screen menu. Otherwise after exiting the game, setting are restored to default.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 11 Home 10.0.22621 compilation 22621
Steps To Reproduce

Turn off hints, leave the game, start the game, hints are on.

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Event Timeline

kawalec renamed this task from Gameplay settong are not saved to Gameplay settings are not saved while in the game.May 12 2023, 12:03 AM
kawalec updated the task description. (Show Details)
kawalec edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.May 12 2023, 2:24 PM
RED.Misfit added a subscriber: Geez.EditedMay 12 2023, 2:52 PM

My case is not about them not being saved while playing multiplayer game. But that i lost my previous gameplay settings that i customized before the update.
I had customized the FOV to the max everywhere, i had set no assistance at all for vehicle driving.

And after the update, they were all back to their default values. (70 FOV and full assistance vehicle driving)

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Need More Info.Jun 1 2023, 11:04 AM

For RED.Misfit
The restructuring of profile and logs hierarchy from 0.9.7 to 0.9.8 likely reset the settings.

For Kawalec
We cannot produce the issue on our end, is this reproducible everytime you do this?

Can you try to find a way (in next updates that would alter player's settings) to preserve the user's settings ?
Squad game had this problem too with pretty much all updates except hotfix (don't know if it still happens, i have not launch it since a while now). And it was really annoying to reapply the settings each time.

I do understand it should not happen often if you don't alter profiles/logs hierarchy, but when you think an update gonna lose some player's settings, it would be nice to have them restored after such updates. I am pretty sure settings can be saved in a temp file to reapply them appropiately.

Geez added a comment.Jun 1 2023, 11:39 AM

Can you try to find a way (in next updates that would alter player's settings) to preserve the user's settings ?

We will try to check what could be done

Right now it is ok and it is not reproducible. The issue was related to the big update.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jun 5 2023, 9:40 AM
Geez claimed this task.