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Auto & Manual gear shift between players.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Player 1 use manual gear shift, Player 2 use automatic gear shift.

Player 1 set the gear to Neutral when parking the vehicle, turn off engine and exit.
Player 2 get in, start the engine and try to move but cannot get out of Neutral the vehicle doesn't move.

Player 1 has to get back inside and to change gear into Drive mode so Player 2 can move the vehicle with automatic gear shift.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.May 10 2023, 10:10 AM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.May 17 2023, 3:07 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello RED.Misfit.
Unfortunately we cannot produce this issue based on the information you have provided.
Unless there is any other info we are missing, can you please check once the next stable update goes live?

The vehicles which had the problem was a modded vehicle (JLTV mod pack). If i have a chance to test it again with the current update, i'll try to see if i reproduce it.

As far as I know, this tracker is for reporting bugs in the vanilla version of the game.

In the modified you need to solve problems with the author of the mod ;)

Geez added a comment.May 18 2023, 11:08 AM

The vehicles which had the problem was a modded vehicle (JLTV mod pack). If i have a chance to test it again with the current update, i'll try to see if i reproduce it.

Hello RED.Misfit.
If this is not a problem with the vanilla vehicles from the game and only modded vehicles, then this needs to be addressed by the mod creator.