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Arma 3 needs to fix HOSTING, real soon honestly
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A long while ago, it was possible to host a server from ingame
without UNPNP, and with.

Currently, regardless of the UNPNP option you choose, on Internet mode,
server cannot be accessed once you host it
and UNPNP always states port forwarding failed.

It's something broken in arma, a consistent issue between everyone.
Arma 3 forums is full of inquires about this, and to no avail

port forwarding set up, doesn't work
DMZ, or whatever sel
nothing helps.

I speak from experience, since I used to host a year ago servers without UNPNP or with as well, no problemo, just to mess around with friends
now it's broken.

added humor


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Enter arma 3,
HOST button

choose internet

Now, either tick UNPNP and get Port forwarding set up failed (regardless if you have your router open to the maximum, with ports forwarded)

or press host without UNPNP.

doesn't matter, server doesn't seem to be visible to anyone to join

Event Timeline

alexsys created this task.Mar 12 2023, 6:08 PM
alexsys updated the task description. (Show Details)Mar 19 2023, 6:17 PM
dedmen changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Mar 27 2023, 3:35 PM
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.

It's something broken in arma, a consistent issue between everyone.

Works fine for me, and I haven't seen anyone else reporting this.

Arma 3 forums is full of inquires about this, and to no avail

I looked for it on our forums and couldn't find anything about this.

port forwarding set up, doesn't work

It could be that your Internet Service Provider blocks your access (Carrier Grade NAT) in which case even if you port forward, they would have to port forward too, which they aren't doing, so it will not work. This sadly has become alot more common nowadays with ISP's trying to cut costs.

I'd have to disagree on this honestly,
if you look at Arma 3 Discussions, regarding "Port Forward" or "host a private server" and such, you'll see the same situations,
absolutely open settings on Router, and inability to create private hosted servers.

I am the main hoster of private servers in many other games with me and my buds, arma 3 is the only one that works no longer for me for private hosting,
nor for anyone else I know.

I do not know a single person in current day who is able to open a private server.

so it still stands honestly