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Patch v1.19 and modder server : may be new limit of number of mod or Stack limit ?
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Since patch v1.19 and last uptades, 1 of my modded server (109 clients mods + 5 servers mods) have a problem : somes players are not able to join, CtD before be ingame with Exit code 0xC0000005 - Status access violation

But it's not global to all players.

I've collected all OS (Win10 and win11) and Video cards references (1060 to 3080), most of players are in FTTH.

My dedicated server is not under DDoS.

Check Additional Information I've added TS done and result



Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

Launche game
Join game
Crash to Desktop (Exit code 0xC0000005 - Status access violation)

Additional Information

Troubleshooting done

  1. Checked Windows updates
  2. Checked Graghics card drivers
  3. Checked files
  4. Checked mods
  5. Removed all mods
  6. Removed DayZ
  7. Reinstall DayZ
  8. Reinstall Mods

After this :
Turn off 100 mods

Check with 3 players have the issue is possible to join the server
  yes : stop server add more 5 mods, restart
  no : stop server remove last 5 added mods, restart

Finally with 101 mods from client side (5 server mods) and 8 hours of Troubleshooting : no problem. If ANY 102's mod is added crash.

Look like and old issue with number of mods or a stack limit.

No relation regarding video card or OS.

Previous setup

@DeerIsle / 1602372402
@CF / 1559212036
@Dabs Framework / 2545327648
@VPPAdminTools / 1828439124
@Community-Online-Tools / 1564026768
@DayZ-Expansion-Core / 2291785308
@DayZ-Expansion-Animations / 2793893086
@DayZ-Expansion-Groups / 2792983364
@DayZ-Expansion-Book / 2572324799
@DayZ-Expansion-Chat / 2792982897
@DayZ-Expansion-Navigation / 2792984722
@DayZ-Expansion-BaseBuilding / 2792982513
@DayZ-Expansion-Licensed / 2116157322
@PVEZ Reloaded / 2831742849
@DMS-VehicleWeather-Performance-Increase / 2518235197
@[CrSk] BMW 525i E34 / 1869021368
@Treasure / 1982919196
@TreasurePhotosDeerIsle / 2724150590
@RadZone / 2294323732
@ToxicZone / 1752669393
@PvZmoD_Spawn_System / 1772776141
@PvZmoD_CustomisableZombies / 2051775667
@BuilderItems / 1565871491
@Airdrop-Upgraded / 1870524790
@Code Lock / 1646187754
@BetterDrinks / 2345008197
@CarCover / 2303483532
@Cl0ud's Clothing Set / 1623179641
@CloseOpen Anywhere / 1830634513
@CookerExtendedMod / 2303745813
@Dex Storage Stuff / 2442719054
@Disease Injectors / 1723938994
@Ear-Plugs / 1819514788
@RedFalcon Flight System Heliz / 2692979668
@FlipTransport / 1832448183
@Gas-Pump-Refueling / 2470924704
@Gerphelius Zil-130 / 1826872082
@GoreZ / 1648967877
@Mass'sManyItemOverhaul / 1566911166
@MoreFood / 1870481515
@MuchDecos / 1967655509
@MuchDecos_Codelock / 1984056101
@MunghardsItempack / 1734713776
@Perishable Food (Fixed) / 2224213321
@StraatMultiCaliberSuppressor / 1994915839
@Tweaks Items PacK / 1920236921
@WindstridesClothingPack / 1797720064
@Bed-Respawning / 2111275052
@CZLBarrelstorage / 2488333786
@Zeroy-FishingZ / 1850623448
@Portable9vBatteryCharger / 1895858919
@ExtraFarmingItems / 2047886429
@RFFS Heli CarCover Addon / 2741527521
@Equilibriums_RFFSHeli_Skins / 2749234417
@dbo_surfaces_DI / 2302717234
@CJ187-RFFSHeli_Bo105 / 2755115597
@UAZ3303 / 2479050511
@MuchCarKey / 2049002856
@CJ187-LootChest / 2345073965
@Flying Birds! / 2501812949
@RepairMyCarRadiator / 2775597475
@Electric Oven / 2590462726
@TFFuelPump / 2731250878
@sf_radio / 2517480838
@sfradio_config_CrSk_BMW_525i_E34 / 2770441244
@sfradio_config_Gerph_Zil130 / 2770443797
@sfradio_config_VAZ2107 / 2770445782
@OP_Suppressors_v2 / 2753774294
@Inventory Move Sounds / 2444247391
@AirRaid / 2065443797
@V1 / 2789506402
@MMG - Mightys Military Gear / 2663169692
@Dumpster Dive / 2745784061
@MMG Country Camo Extension / 2802653896
@[CrSk] VAZ-2107 / 1818957231
@Jills Collection / 2492707168
@Soundtracks / 2777093195
@Soundtracks_Hits / 2778587384
@RedFalcon Mosquito Mk III / 2808795115
@AdditionalMedicSupplies / 2579252958
@DayZ-Dog / 2471347750
@AICFireplaceIndoor / 2823378230
@gebsfish / 2757509117
@Aerial-Flares / 2735895032
@Survivor Missions / 1988925918
@ZombieSpawnTool / 2721984927
@dbo_spiders / 2789029784
@PresetWeather / 2844108808
@bastard_bleat / 2610377120
@bastard_rover / 2498281654
@Techs 4x4 Hilux / 2839126911
@[CrSk] GAZ-3309 / 1756237462
@Solar Panel Power System / 2534155979
@ToFu Virtual Storage / 2810820431
@Mercedes-Benz S-Type 1928 / 2855192839
@CJ187-PokemonCards / 2851058261
@Immersive Placing / 2521460498
@Better Inspect / 1940434090
@Cabin_Mod_RaGed / 2326103329
@Cabin_Mod_CodeLock_RaGed / 2326108316
@InventoryInVehiclePlus / 2611937447
@Techs Hilux CarCover Addon / 2840429140
@Gearstand / 2487138609
@RareAnimals / 2786823675
@3 bears / 2833609495
@Cable Reel Long / 2212443080
@AP Zombie Animals / 2058213995
@Uncuepas Civilian Clothing / 1762444175
@Herbal Alchemy / 2559700243
@Tommys Books / 2872284321
@Keybind_Layout_1.18_fixed / 2824765192
@GameLabs / 2464526692
@Tales Of Survivalism / 2732436278
@Tales Of Survivalism - Extended / 2835954210

Setup working for all :

@DeerIsle / 1602372402
@CF / 1559212036
@Dabs Framework / 2545327648
@VPPAdminTools / 1828439124
@Community-Online-Tools / 1564026768
@DayZ-Expansion-Core / 2291785308
@DayZ-Expansion-Animations / 2793893086
@DayZ-Expansion-Groups / 2792983364
@DayZ-Expansion-Book / 2572324799
@DayZ-Expansion-Chat / 2792982897
@DayZ-Expansion-Navigation / 2792984722
@DayZ-Expansion-BaseBuilding / 2792982513
@DayZ-Expansion-Licensed / 2116157322
@PVEZ Reloaded / 2831742849
@DMS-VehicleWeather-Performance-Increase / 2518235197
@[CrSk] BMW 525i E34 / 1869021368
@Treasure / 1982919196
@TreasurePhotosDeerIsle / 2724150590
@RadZone / 2294323732
@ToxicZone / 1752669393
@PvZmoD_Spawn_System / 1772776141
@PvZmoD_CustomisableZombies / 2051775667
@BuilderItems / 1565871491
@Airdrop-Upgraded / 1870524790
@Code Lock / 1646187754
@BetterDrinks / 2345008197
@CarCover / 2303483532
@Cl0ud's Clothing Set / 1623179641
@CookerExtendedMod / 2303745813
@Dex Storage Stuff / 2442719054
@Disease Injectors / 1723938994
@Ear-Plugs / 1819514788
@RedFalcon Flight System Heliz / 2692979668
@FlipTransport / 1832448183
@Gas-Pump-Refueling / 2470924704
@GoreZ / 1648967877
@Mass'sManyItemOverhaul / 1566911166
@MoreFood / 1870481515
@MuchDecos / 1967655509
@MuchDecos_Codelock / 1984056101
@MunghardsItempack / 1734713776
@Perishable Food (Fixed) / 2224213321
@Tweaks Items PacK / 1920236921
@WindstridesClothingPack / 1797720064
@Bed-Respawning / 2111275052
@Zeroy-FishingZ / 1850623448
@Portable9vBatteryCharger / 1895858919
@ExtraFarmingItems / 2047886429
@RFFS Heli CarCover Addon / 2741527521
@dbo_surfaces_DI / 2302717234
@UAZ3303 / 2479050511
@MuchCarKey / 2049002856
@CJ187-LootChest / 2345073965
@Flying Birds! / 2501812949
@RepairMyCarRadiator / 2775597475
@Electric Oven / 2590462726
@TFFuelPump / 2731250878
@sf_radio / 2517480838
@OP_Suppressors_v2 / 2753774294
@Inventory Move Sounds / 2444247391
@AirRaid / 2065443797
@MMG - Mightys Military Gear / 2663169692
@Dumpster Dive / 2745784061
@MMG Country Camo Extension / 2802653896
@Jills Collection / 2492707168
@Soundtracks / 2777093195
@Soundtracks_Hits / 2778587384
@RedFalcon Mosquito Mk III / 2808795115
@AdditionalMedicSupplies / 2579252958
@DayZ-Dog / 2471347750
@AICFireplaceIndoor / 2823378230
@gebsfish / 2757509117
@Survivor Missions / 1988925918
@ZombieSpawnTool / 2721984927
@dbo_spiders / 2789029784
@PresetWeather / 2844108808
@Techs 4x4 Hilux / 2839126911
@Solar Panel Power System / 2534155979
@ToFu Virtual Storage / 2810820431
@Mercedes-Benz S-Type 1928 / 2855192839
@CJ187-PokemonCards / 2851058261
@Better Inspect / 1940434090
@Cabin_Mod_RaGed / 2326103329
@Cabin_Mod_CodeLock_RaGed / 2326108316
@InventoryInVehiclePlus / 2611937447
@Techs Hilux CarCover Addon / 2840429140
@Gearstand / 2487138609
@RareAnimals / 2786823675
@3 bears / 2833609495
@Cable Reel Long / 2212443080
@Uncuepas Civilian Clothing / 1762444175
@Herbal Alchemy / 2559700243
@Tommys Books / 2872284321
@Keybind_Layout_1.18_fixed / 2824765192
@GameLabs / 2464526692
@Ammo Making / 2834392060
@Apokot Twinkies (English) / 2844905615
@BishopsImmersiveStorages Premium / 2885882352
@BoomLay's Things / 2860643107
@Building Fortifications / 2670506982
@RaG_BeeHive / 2879040969
@RaG_Vehicle_Pack / 2880254695
@RaG_BaseItems / 2878980498
@Tales Of Survivalism / 2732436278
@Tales Of Survivalism - Extended / 2835954210
@Tales Of Survivalism (Server) / 2732437092

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Nov 11 2022, 12:58 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello LesVieuxCrevards.
Can we please get a crash dump from the crash occurence?

Hi, I will ask to players (because I don't have the issue) and post them when I've them.

First part of logs

Geez added a comment.Nov 11 2022, 2:50 PM

Hello LesVieuxCrevards.
We need the .mdmp files as well, without them we are unable to analyse the crash cause properly.

LesVieuxCrevards added a comment.EditedNov 11 2022, 4:55 PM

.mdmp -->

another user still have issue : no mdump only crashfiles

Hi, does it possible to have and update on statut of this issue please ? All files are provided

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Reviewed.Nov 25 2022, 9:31 AM

Hi, does it possible to have and update on statut of this issue please ? All files are provided

Hello LesVieuxCrevards.
It appears that there are several problems that cause these crashes:

  • On game closing, something possibly related to a map showing on screen - some sort of mod?
  • On game closing, something possibly related to "Nine/compass/layouts/compassHH.layout" (Is not vanilla)
  • Crash on game starting, seems to be while attempting to write to log
  • Something going wrong when attempting to call script function OnReceivedToSConfig (Is not vanilla, is triggered by an RPC)


Hi, but with this issue occur only on fews players not on all. and WHY occurs when I'm adding any +1 mod, look like a limitation.
I'm in doubt.
And yes my servers are far from vanilla :)

And why working before 1.19 and not more now : without any news mods.