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Please add default class loadouts to Conflict
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Hi! I've been playing for a quite some time in ARMA REFORGER and I'm enjoying it so far. But the only one thing that annoys me to no end is that everytime you die, and death in Conflict can be very quick and random, you need to get your weapons of choice back and it takes ages. For instance, if you have to get basic grenadier kit, you must:

  1. have an armory nearby
  2. switch chest rig
  3. fill ammo one by bloody one underbarrel grenade
  4. get some backup weapon (PM/M9)
  5. get weapon with an underbarrel launcher

Same goes for basic AT gear, MG class gear, sniper kit and so on.
This kit is very basic, yet to get it you must do lots of tedious annoying actions, and if you die frequently (can happen even with bots cause last update made them into quickscoping machines), you must submit yourself to annoyance many, many times.
The armory must be used to fine tune your equipment, if you must, but I think that basic kits should be available in Conflict mode. If a player wants to get his own combo, he should go to armory personnaly, otherwise basic class gear kits should be enough.

I'm very enjoyng ARMA REFORGER now, but this issue is the only reason I think about dropping playing this game. Please, consider adding classes to Conflict, thank you!


Operating System
Windows 10

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Event Timeline

StevieB added a subscriber: StevieB.Nov 5 2022, 1:14 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Nov 10 2022, 1:58 PM