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Some expected key-bind features are not working

Mouse4, Mouse5, etc cannot be bound.
When you are in the process of binding a key, the game says 'hit ESC to cancel'. If you hit ESC, you bind that action to the ESC key.
Some keys are bound with a 'Double' press, for example double tap Q to toggle lean left. If you attempt to rebind any key to double, it accepts the first key-press and binds to it (for example hit 'RR' it accept it as 'R' instead of 'Double R')
You cant unbind a key if it already has a default keybind (Hitting 'delete' or 'escape' binds the action to 'DEL' or 'ESC' respectively)


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Enter the Controls menu on PC
Attempt to bind Mouse 4 - will be ignored
Attempt to bind 'RR' - will accept as 'R'
Attempt to hit ESC during editing of a bind - will bind action to 'ESC'
Attempt to delete a keybind - not possible

Event Timeline

BullHorn created this task.May 17 2022, 9:44 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.May 18 2022, 1:09 PM

Some keys are bound with a 'Double' press, for example double tap Q to toggle lean left. If you attempt to rebind any key to double, it accepts the first key-press and binds to it

Same goes for keys with "Hold" functionality it seems. When you rebind for example flashlight, which has "L | Hold L" by default, you end up with for example just "M" if you rebind to the M key, and lose the hold to toggle function.