triggerAmmo doesn't seem to work on some ammo types.
Examples include: mines, time bombs, grenades, smokes, flares.
This script returns all ammo types that this command doesn't work on, along with their simulation type:
_xx = 0; _yy = 0; projectiles = []; toString { getText (_x >> "simulation") != "shotBullet" && { _xx = _xx + 100; if (_xx > 8000) then {_xx = 0; _yy = _yy + 100}; _missile = createVehicle [configName _x, [_xx,_yy,1000]]; triggerAmmo _missile; projectiles pushBack [_missile, configName _x, getText (_x >> "simulation")]; false }; } configClasses (configFile >> "CfgAmmo"); initTime = time; onEachFrame { if (time == initTime) exitWith {}; _list = projectiles select { _alive = alive (_x#0); deleteVehicle (_x#0); _alive } apply {[_x#1, _x#2]}; copyToClipboard (str _list regexReplace [",\[", "\n["]); onEachFrame ""; }
These simulation types don't work in vanilla:
["shotSpread" "shotShell" "shotSubmunitions" "shotDeploy" "shotTimeBomb" "shotLaser" "shotMine" "shotDirectionalBomb" "shotBoundingMine" "shotIlluminating" "shotSmokeX" "shotGrenade" "shotCM" "shotSmoke" "shotNVGMarker"]
(some are irrelevant though)