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Blurry Vision After Scoping
Need More Info, NormalPublic


After the new update when you scope down a weapon with a scope on it you get an extremely blurry ring with a clear circle in it.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Aim down a scope.

Event Timeline

MisterE created this task.Sep 30 2021, 1:25 AM
lefty added a subscriber: lefty.Sep 30 2021, 1:57 AM

Been having this problem as well. I aim down any scope in the game and it reproduces this problem 100% of the time. The only way I can get it to go away is to remove the scope from that weapon and then aim down the rails.

Related to this issue, opening up the map blurs my entire screen. The only way I could get this to go away was to ADS with a scope to get the "ring" effect to focus the center of my screen, then remove the scope from my weapon and then ADS a second time.

The fix only works if you remove the scope from the weapon you were using. Just pulling out a second weapon without an optic attached and then ADS-ing blurs my entire screen.

Very irritating, hope this helps.

NoTimeToBleed added a subscriber: NoTimeToBleed.EditedSep 30 2021, 2:59 AM

I had the same issue, but it went away when all mods were removed. I am trying to figure out which mod. Do you have the issue with mods installed?

Here is my mod list:

@MoreGuns;@VPPAdminTools;@CJ187-Fridges;@FOX WEAPONS;@DayZ-Dog;@Cabin_Mod_CodeLock_RaGed;@RevGuns;@[CrSk] VAZ-2107;@Cabin_Mod_RaGed;@CF;@Trader;@DZNC_Thermals;@HMMWV;@SkyZ - Skybox Overhaul;@Portable9vBatteryCharger;@Modern Scopes;@[CrSk] BMW 525i E34;@WeaponExpansionLite;@AmmunitionExpansion;@Airdrop-Upgraded;@Immersive Placing;@ArmA 2 ACR Weapon Pack;@Code Lock;@CarHorn;@GoreZ;@SIX-DayZ-Auto-Run;@Slower Beard Growth;@Modular Vest System;@Xehara's Custom Clothing;@Band Shirts;@WindstridesClothingPack;@Uncuepas Civilian Clothing;@NewClothes by rob;@StandaloneChainsaws;@Better Flashlights;@Dex Storage Stuff;@Solar Panel Power System;@EvenMoreDoors;@OP_BaseItems;@Advanced Weapon Scopes;@Mercedes-Benz W140 byKIRM4N;@CZLandroverDefender;@Zeroy-JeepWillys;@ChernarusRP AE86;@Gerphelius Zil-130;@[CrSk] GAZ-3309;@DayzWeaponsPainting;@Perishable Food Fixed;@Better-Snap-Sounds;@Blackouts Corvette;@Lukow Locos Server;@Lukow Locos Brand Items;@dbo_surfaces;@dbo_surfaces_bliss
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Sep 30 2021, 10:09 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello everyone.
Can you please let us know if this does occur without mods or if is this an issue related to some kind of mod?

I'm trying to go through each mod, as you can guess it is taking some time and is extremely boring.

If it goes away when all the mods are removed then I would have to assume it's going to be one of the mods needing an update to fix it. We will be searching our server for the mod that has the issue. I will update this thread if we find the mod, and then we will put a bug report in on that mod.

Hello everyone.
Can you please let us know if this does occur without mods or if is this an issue related to some kind of mod?

It's looking like it might be mod related at this time, a few of us are going through our servers to try and confirm.

We are thinking it may be CF, because it doesn't just happen with scopes, I just noticed it makes the screen blurry when exiting the map also.

Has anyone figured out which mod is causing this issue yet?

icSlowMo added a subscriber: icSlowMo.EditedOct 2 2021, 4:13 AM

For my server, blurry vision was being caused from the JMod mod that allows NVG’s with scopes… took it off and no further issues… So suggest testing scope mods first…

All feedback across the board is showing Jmod as the mod that is causing this since the update. We removed it on our server, and have had multiple people also remove it and respond to the mods thread on Steam confirming Jmod is the issue.

I don't have JMod installed, but code gets shared between mod authors so I'm sure there is some common code causing this issue. I've tried every weapons mod and every scope mod. Moving on to other mods.

This comment was removed by Geez.