Having a custom attribute with the following condition
condition = "1 - objectSimulated"; (Valid according to https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Configuring_Attributes#Condition)
will break the Export Mission to SQF functionality because "objectSimulated" is compiled as boolean value instead of number (0,1).
BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF L394+
objectBrain = [0,1] select (_simulation == "soldier" && !_isSimpleObject); objectControllable = [0,1] select (_object iskindof "CAManBase" && !_isSimpleObject); objectAgent = [0,1] select (count getarray (_cfg >> "agentTasks") > 0 && !_isSimpleObject); objectVehicle = [0,1] select (_object iskindof "AllVehicles" && objectBrain == 0 && !_isSimpleObject); objectSimulated = !_isSimpleObject; // ToDo? objectHasInventoryCargo = [0,1] select (!(_object iskindof "WeaponHolder") && {getnumber (_cfg >> "maximumLoad") > 0 && !_isSimpleObject}); objectDestructable = [0,1] select (gettext (_cfg >> "destrType ") != "DestructNo" && !_isSimpleObject);