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Syntax errors in vanilla scripts
Assigned, NormalPublic


  1. 3_Game\Entities\EntityAI.c Line 901 - One ) too much at the end of the line.
  2. 3_Game\Entities\EntityAI.c Line 925 - One , too much at the end of the line.
  3. 4_World\Classes\Hologram.c Line 422 - One ) too much at the end of the line.
  4. 4_World\Classes\Hologram.c Line 541 - One , too much in function arguments.
  5. 4_World\Classes\IntroSceneCharacter.c Line 417 - : at the end of the line needs to be ;.
  6. 4_World\Classes\IntroSceneCharacter.c Line 424 - : at the end of the line needs to be ;.
  7. 4_World\Classes\PlayerModifiers\ModifierBase.c Line 161 - Missing ) at th end of the line.
  8. 4_World\Entities\Firearms\Weapon_Base.c Line 176 - One ) too much at the end of the line.
  9. 4_World\Entities\ManBase\PlayerBase.c Line 3778 - One ) too much at the end of the line.
  10. 4_World\Entities\ManBase\PlayerBase.c Line 6891 - Missmatched else keyword. Remove or surround commented out code with {}.
  11. 4_World\Systems\Inventory\DayZPlayerInventory.c Line 894 - One ) too much at the end of the line.
  12. 4_World\Entities\Firearms\Rifle\Repeater.c Line 213 - One ) too much at the end of the line.
  13. 4_World\Entities\Firearms\Shotgun\MP133.c Line 206 - One ) too much at the end of the line.
  14. 4_World\Classes\UserActionsComponent\Actions\SingleUse\ActionWashHandsItem.c Line 36 - One ) too much at the end of the line.
  15. 4_World\Classes\UserActionsComponent\Actions\Weapons\FirearmActionAttachMagazine.c Line 105 - Missing ) at end of the line.
  16. 5_Mission\GUI\InventoryNew\ContainedItems\CargoContainer.c Line 647 - One ) too much at the end of the line.
  17. 5_Mission\GUI\InventoryNew\ContainedItems\Icon.c Line 207 - Else keyword with no function body - remove it.
  18. 5_Mission\GUI\InventoryNew\Containers\HandsContainer.c Line 1684 - One , too much in function arguments.
  19. 5_Mission\GUI\InventoryNew\Inherited\ZombieContainer.c Line 719 - One , too much in function arguments.
  20. 5_Mission\GUI\NewUI\DropdownPrefab\DropdownPrefab.c Line 6 - One > too much at the end of the line.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Arkensor created this task.Aug 4 2020, 6:17 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Aug 5 2020, 10:20 AM