The following 2 functions contain a limitation with the size of created collision box. Max seem to be around 37~ meters
proto native void SetClippingInfo(vector mins, vector maxs, float radius);
The above achieves no increase in radius above the hard coded limit. The fix would greatly help in creating Triggers that are on a larger scale.
Code To reproduce:
SafeZoneTrigger trigger = SafeZoneTrigger.Cast( GetGame().CreateObject( "SafeZoneTrigger", Vector(triggerPos[0], surfaceY, triggerPos[2]), true, false, true ) ); trigger.SetPosition( Vector(triggerPos[0], surfaceY, triggerPos[2]) ); trigger.SetOrientation( "0.0 0.0 0.0" ); trigger.SetExtents( "-400.0 -0.0 -400.0", "400.0 3.0 400.0" ); trigger.SetClippingInfo("-400.0 -0.0 -400.0", "400.0 3.0 400.0", 125.0); Print("[SafeZoneTrigger] EOnInit() --> Trigger Radius: " + trigger.GetRadius("-400.0 -0.0 -400.0", "400.0 3.0 400.0")); //returns correct radius size (since the method is not linked to the BBOX in any way), but BBox is not accurate at all.