Running a server with default settings +
headlessClients[] = {""}; localClient[] = {""};
kicks headless clients for idling in voting/role selection after ~60 seconds.
Running a server with default settings +
headlessClients[] = {""}; localClient[] = {""};
kicks headless clients for idling in voting/role selection after ~60 seconds.
This is run on a dedicated server, with headless clients local.
If I were to make a suggestion, then exempting headlessClients[] and/or localClient[] from the idle timer would be the most straightforward solution. Alternatively, adding a parameter for it.
That was supposed to already be fixed. This happened before and was fixed on perf/prof branch.
you didn't list which arma version you are on. Please list full version with buildnumber.
After updating to the new version containing Contact it appears that the issue doesn't occur, so I'd guess it was the server not being up to date.
This issue can be closed.